Communicating and reflecting
Select a range of appropriate formats based on their effectiveness to suit audience and purpose, using relevant digital technologies as appropriate (WAHASS92)
Develop texts, particularly explanations and discussions, using evidence from a range of sources to support conclusions and/or arguments (WAHASS93)
Deconstruct and reconstruct the collected information and/or data into a form that identifies the relationship between the information and the hypothesis, using subject-specific conventions, terminology and concepts (WAHASS94)
Compare evidence to substantiate judgements (e.g. use information and/or data from different places or times; use tables, graphs, models, theories) (WAHASS95)
Generate a range of viable options in response to an issue or event to recommend and justify a course of action, and predict the potential consequences of the proposed action (WAHASS96)
Reflect on why all findings are tentative (e.g. the changing nature of knowledge, changes in circumstances, changes in values) (WAHASS97)