Knowledge and understanding
People are connected to many places
The location of the major geographical divisions of the world (e.g. continents, oceans) in relation to Australia (ACHASSK047)
Local features and places are given names, which have meaning to people, and these places can be defined on a variety of scales, including personal (e.g. home), local (e.g. street, suburb or town), regional (e.g. state) and national (e.g. country) (ACHASSK048)
The ways in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples maintain connections to their Country/Place (ACHASSK049)
The connections of people in Australia to other places in Australia, in the Asia region, and across the world (e.g. family connections, trade, travel, special events, natural disasters) (ACHASSK050)
The influence of purpose (e.g. shopping, recreation), distance (e.g. location) and accessibility (e.g. technology, transport) on the frequency with which people visit places (ACHASSK051)
The past in the present
The history of a significant person, building, site or part of the natural environment in the local community and what it reveals about the past (ACHASSK044)
The importance today of an historical site (e.g. community building, landmark, war memorial, rock painting, engraving) and why it has heritage significance and cultural value for present generations (e.g. a record of a significant historical event, aesthetic value, reflects the community's identity) (ACHASSK045)
The impact of changing technology on people's lives (e.g. at home, work, travel, communication, leisure, toys) and how the technology of the past differs from what is used today (ACHASSK046)