Humanities and Social Sciences skills
Questioning and researching
Reflect on current understanding of a topic (e.g. think-pair-share, brainstorm) (WAHASS13)
Pose questions about the familiar and unfamiliar (WAHASS14)
Locate information from a variety of provided sources (e.g. books, television, people, images, plans, internet) (WAHASS15)
Sort and record selected information and/or data (e.g. use graphic organisers, take keywords) (WAHASS16)
Identify relevant information (WAHASS17)
Process information and/or data collected (e.g. sequence information or events, categorise information, combine information from different sources) (WAHASS18)
Explore points of view (e.g. understand that stories can be told from different perspectives) (WAHASS19)
Represent collected information and/or data in to different formats (e.g. tables, maps, plans) (WAHASS20)
Draw conclusions based on information and/or data displayed in pictures, texts and maps (e.g. form categories, make generalisations based on patterns) (WAHASS21)
Participate in decision-making processes (e.g. engage in group discussions, make shared decisions, share views) (WAHASS22)
Communicating and reflecting
Present findings in a range of communication forms, using relevant terms (e.g. written, oral, digital, role-play, graphic) (WAHASS23)
Develop texts, including narratives, that describe an event or place (WAHASS24)
Reflect on learning and respond to findings (e.g. discussing what they have learned) (WAHASS25)