Knowledge and understanding

Civics and Citizenship

Government and society

The purpose of government and some familiar services provided by local government (e.g. libraries, health, arts, parks, environment and waste, pools and sporting facilities, pet management) (ACHASSK091)

The differences between 'rules' and 'laws' (ACHASSK092)

The importance and purpose of laws (e.g. to maintain social cohesion, to reflect society's values) (ACHASSK092)

People belong to diverse groups, such as cultural, religious and/or social groups, and this can shape identity (ACHASSK093)


The Earth's environment sustains all life

The main characteristics (e.g. climate, natural vegetation, landforms, native animals) of the continents of Africa and Europe, and the location of their major countries in relation to Australia (ACHASSK087)

The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected (ACHASSK088)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' ways of living were adapted to available resources and their connection to Country/Place has influenced their views on the sustainable use of these resources, before and after colonisation (ACHASSK089)

The natural resources (e.g. water, timber, minerals) provided by the environment and different views on how they can be used sustainably (ACHASSK090)


First contacts

The diversity and longevity of Australia's first peoples and the ways they are connected to Country/Place (e.g. land, sea, waterways, skies) and their pre-contact ways of life (ACHASSK083)

The journey(s) of at least one world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late 18th century (e.g. Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan), including their contacts and exchanges with societies in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Oceania, and the impact on one society (ACHASSK084)

Stories of the First Fleet, including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, and their experiences following arrival (e.g. treatment of convicts, daily lives, social order) (ACHASSK085)

The nature of contact between Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples and others (e.g. the Macassans, Europeans) and the impact that these interactions and colonisation had on the environment and people's lives (e.g. dispossession, dislocation, the loss of lives through conflict, disease, loss of food sources and medicines) (ACHASSK086)