Humanities and Social Sciences skills
Questioning and researching
Identify current understandings, consider possible misconceptions and identify personal views on a topic (e.g. KWL chart, concept map) (WAHASS50)
Develop and refine a range of questions required to plan an inquiry (WAHASS51)
Locate and collect information and/or data from a range of appropriate primary sources and secondary sources (e.g. museums, media, library catalogues, interviews, internet) (WAHASS52)
Record selected information and/or data using a variety of methods (e.g. use graphic organisers, paraphrase, summarise) (WAHASS53)
Use ethical protocols when gathering information and/or data (e.g. acknowledge the work of others, reference work appropriately, obtain permission to use photographs and interviews) (WAHASS54)
Use criteria to determine the relevancy of information (e.g. consider accuracy, reliability, publication date, usefulness to the question) (WAHASS55)
Interpret information and/or data collected (e.g. sequence events in chronological order, identify cause and effect, make connections with prior knowledge) (WAHASS56)
Identify different points of view/perspectives in information and/or data (e.g. analyse language, identify motives) (WAHASS57)
Translate collected information and/or data to a variety of different formats (e.g. create a timeline, draw maps, convert a table of statistics into a graph) (WAHASS58)
Draw and justify conclusions, and give explanations, based on the information and/or data in texts, tables, graphs and maps (e.g. identify patterns, infer relationships) (WAHASS59)
Use decision-making processes (e.g. share opinions and personal perspectives, consider different points of view, identify issues, develop possible solutions, plan for action, identify advantages and disadvantages of different options) (WAHASS60)
Communicating and reflecting
Present findings, conclusions and/or arguments, appropriate to audience and purpose, in a range of communication forms (e.g. written, oral, visual, digital, tabular, graphic, maps) and using subject-specific terminology and concepts (WAHASS61)
Develop a variety of texts, including narratives, descriptions, biographies and persuasive texts, based on information collected from source materials (WAHASS62)
Reflect on learning, identify new understandings and act on findings in different ways (e.g. suggest additional questions to be investigated, propose a course of action on an issue that is significant to them) (WAHASS63)