Economics and business
Producing and consuming
How consumers rely on businesses to meet their needs and wants (ACHEK017)
How businesses respond to the demands of consumers (e.g. responding to preference for healthy options, environmentally friendly products and packaging, organic food) (ACHEK017)
Why businesses might set a certain price for a product and how they might adjust the price according to demand (ACHEK017)
Characteristics of entrepreneurs, including the behaviours and skills they bring to their businesses (e.g. establishing a shared vision; and demonstrating initiative, innovation and enterprise (ACHEK019)
Why individuals work (e.g. earning an income, contributing to an individual's self-esteem, material and non-material living standards, happiness) (ACHEK020)
Different types of work (e.g. full-time, part-time, casual, at home, paid, unpaid, volunteer) (ACHEK020)
How people derive an income and alternative sources of income (e.g. owning a business, being a shareholder, owning a rental service) (ACHEK020)
The ways people who have retired from employment earn an income (e.g. age pension, superannuation, private savings) (ACHEK020)