Civics and citizenship

Our democratic rights

The role of political parties, and independent representatives in Australia's system of government, including the formation of governments (ACHCK075)

How citizens' choices are shaped at election time (e.g. public debate, media, opinion polls, advertising, interest groups, political party campaigns) (ACHCK076)

How social media is used to influence people's understanding of issues (ACHCK076)

The key features of Australia's court system and the role of a particular court (e.g. a supreme court, a magistrates' court, the Family Court of Australia) and the types of cases different courts hear (ACHCK077)

How courts apply and interpret the law, resolve disputes, and make law through judgments (e.g. the role of precedents) (ACHCK077)

The key principles of Australia's justice system, including equality before the law, independent judiciary, and right of appeal (ACHCK078)

The factors that can undermine the application of the principles of justice (e.g. bribery, coercion of witnesses, trial by media, court delays) (ACHCK078)