
Systems of language

Explain differences in intonation, rhythm and sounds when listening to speakers of different ages, genders and social positions

Examine and explain the relationships between characters and word meanings when encountering new vocabulary

Use metalanguage to describe the distinctive spoken and written language system of Chinese

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning in texts, including:

  • justifying opinions and building logical arguments by expressing additional information and providing reasons, for example, using 不但……而且…… ; 除了……以外 ; 另外, and introducing contrasting views to others using elements such as cohesive devices, for example, 不是……而是……;不过,虽然……但是……
  • exploring the ways in which language can be manipulated to make ideas more objective, for example, removal of personal pronouns and opinions
  • experimenting with the use of 成语 (Chinese set expressions) and famous sayings to substantiate ideas in Chinese
  • experimenting with 的 as a subject modifier to express ideas that would contain relative clauses in English, for example, 我昨天买的书不太贵(ACLCHU076)

Compare the purposes, text structures and language features of traditional and contemporary Chinese texts

Language variation and change

Explain how Chinese language and culture have evolved and continue to change and understand that language use has the power to influence social relationships, beliefs and values

Explain how language defines people’s roles as outsiders or insiders in groups and cultures, for example, 老外、华侨、华裔、大陆人、华人、

Role of language and culture

Analyse the ways in which language choices reflect cultural practices and values and how language is used to express familiarity and distance between participants in interactions, for example,