Systems of language
Recognise the components of Pinyin (consonant, vowel, tones)
Recognise Pinyin sounds associated with individual letters and syllables, differentiating, for example, chī, piě, qù, cān and hé from English sounds for such letters and syllables
Reproduce key Chinese characters from familiar contexts exploring character construction, including counting the number of strokes and following general rules of stroke order
Recognise and use context-related vocabulary and use some first elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- that simple statements in Chinese tend to follow English word order, but that questions do not, for example, ‘Do you have a cat?’ versus 你有猫吗?
- identifying family members and their Chinese characters in familiar texts, for example, 爸爸、妈妈、哥哥
Begin to develop a metalanguage for Chinese to talk about language, using terms similar to those used in English
Notice differences between simple spoken, written and multimodal Chinese texts used in familiar contexts and compare with similar texts in English