Interact and socialise orally with the teacher and peers, using correct tones, modelled questions and responses to exchange information about aspects of their personal worlds, including their daily routines at home and school, for example, 我八点上学;
Contribute to class activities by asking for and giving permission, apologising and excusing, for example, 我可以…吗?; 可以; 对不起; raising hand and using phrases such as 老师,我不懂 to request assistance in learning activities
Exchange simple correspondence in writing with teachers and peers, using formulaic expressions and language to report on their daily routines at home and at school, for example, 你几点睡觉?
Locate and convey factual information from familiar types of spoken and visual sources related to personal and social worlds
Locate factual information, key words or familiar characters in texts related to their personal and social worlds and use this information to inform others using learnt words, phrases and characters
Create and present their own representations of familiar songs, poems or stories such as《小星星》,《找朋友》or《恭喜恭喜》, poems and stories《春晓》, for different audiences, using voice, rhythm and appropriate gesture and action
Create short written imaginative texts such as storyboards and cartoons, using simple characters and short sentences that follow the basic subject‑verb‑object structure
Translate the meanings of important everyday words using contextual cues
Use visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate simple familiar texts such as labels or captions
Describe how aspects of their own identity are reflected in their various group and community memberships