
Systems of language

Understand the components of Pinyin such as the different combinations of consonant and vowel/vowels

Recognise and reproduce familiar or simple Pinyin but not always with correct tone marks

Explore Chinese characters from familiar contexts using stroke types and sequences, component forms and their arrangement

Recognise and use context-related vocabulary in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes

Recognise and use grammatical features and simple sentences to record observations, including:

  • understanding that Chinese sentences have a particular word order
  • exploring basic sentence structure in Chinese, consisting of subject-verb-object and comparing similar sentences constructed in English and Chinese, for example, ‘What’s the subject in the sentence My mum drives a car?’ and 我妈妈开车。
  • recognising and using some familiar verbs for daily routine such as 醒来/叫醒、去睡觉、吃、去上学、玩、学习、听音乐、


Begin to develop a metalanguage for Chinese to talk about language, using terms similar to those used in English

Recognise the particular language features and textual conventions in simple spoken, written and multimodal Chinese texts

Language variation and change

Understand and demonstrate how language use varies according to the participants’ age, gender, relationship and social position and the context of use

Role of language and culture

Recognise that Chinese contains influences from other languages and understand the diversity of languages and cultures represented in the classroom