Year 6 SyllabusTest


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Year 6 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 6 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Chinese language developed in Year 5 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Chinese language and culture. Students gain greater independence and become more conscious of their peers and social context. As they gain a greater awareness of the world around them they also become more aware of the similarities and differences between the Chinese language and culture and their own.

Students communicate in Chinese, participating in oral interactions with others to exchange information and relate experiences about planning and organising social activities and events. They participate in guided written tasks to plan events or activities, organise displays or develop projects for a shared event. Students gather, classify, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of texts related to personal and social worlds. They share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas in a variety of imaginative texts and create simple spoken imaginative texts. Students create or reinterpret, for different audiences, written imaginative texts, describing characters and plotting a storyline.

Students are becoming more familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, using Pinyin to record the sound of phrases or sentences with greater accuracy. They use context-related vocabulary in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes. They recognise and use grammatical features to form sentences to express details. Students continue to build a metalanguage for Chinese to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.

Students understand that the Chinese is characterised by diversity in spoken and written forms. They also explore values and beliefs across cultures and identify how cultural values are expressed through language.

In Year 6 students continue to widen their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Chinese. They are encouraged to use Chinese as much as possible for interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice.



Participate in oral interactions with others, using simple modelled descriptive and expressive language, to exchange information and relate experiences about planning and organising future social activities and events, for example, a birthday party, a shopping trip or a visit from a sister school

Respond to the teacher’s questions with actions or answers, for example, answering the question

Participate in guided written tasks to plan future events or activities, organise displays, develop projects or budget for a shared event, through emails, descriptions of a place, invitations, publicity fliers, or photo-stories


Gather, classify, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of spoken and visual texts related to their personal and social worlds

Locate and convey key information in a range of written and digital informative texts, related to personal and social worlds using learnt words, phrases and characters


Share and compare responses and express personal opinions to characters, events and ideas in a variety of short imaginative texts, identify cultural elements and create simple spoken imaginative texts

Create or reinterpret for different audiences, written imaginative texts, describing characters, plotting a storyline, using images for effect and sequencing events


Translate and interpret simple texts, identifying actions, words and phrases that do not readily translate into English and expand descriptions or give examples where necessary to assist meaning

Experiment with bilingual dictionaries and/or online translators, considering the relative advantages or limitations of each resource


Engage in intercultural experiences, describing aspects of language and culture that are unfamiliar and discussing their own reactions and adjustments


Systems of language

Use Pinyin to record the sound of phrases or sentences with greater accuracy

Apply knowledge of character to learn to read and write new characters and develop strategies for learning, for example, making connections between characters with a common component

Use context-related vocabulary in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes

Recognise and use grammatical features to form sentences to express details such as the time, place and manner of an action and to sequence ideas, including:

  • comparing the use of tenses in English and Chinese, for example, how future tense is often expressed through time phrases in Chinese, for example, 我明天去北京;下个星期去上海
  • identifying the use of adverbial phrases and extending understanding of sentence structure using subject–time–place–manner–verb–object, for example, 我星期一上学;我在澳大利亚上学;
  • examining the clauses of a sentence in Chinese and noticing how they are linked coherently, for example, 他叫王晓明,是我的朋友 (i.e. no subject/pronoun)
  • applying processes of discourse development, including joining (也、和), contrasting (但是) and sequencing (就) information

Continue to build a metalanguage for Chinese to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures

Notice how the features and conventions of text organisation vary according to audience, purpose and context, for example, digital, online or face to face

Language variation and change

Explore values and beliefs across cultures and identify how cultural values are expressed through language

Role of language and culture

Understand that Chinese is characterised by diversity in spoken and written forms

Achievement standard

At standard, students participate in oral interactions and guided writing tasks in Chinese through collaborative tasks, class experiences, activities and transactions, to exchange some information and recount some experiences about planning and organising future social events. They use simple modelled descriptive and expressive language with some guidance when collaborating with peers in guided tasks to organise displays, develop projects or budget for a shared event through emails, descriptions of a place, invitations, publicity fliers, or photo-stories. They gather, classify, compare and respond to most information and some supporting details from spoken and visual texts related to their personal and social worlds. They locate some key information in written texts and convey using learnt words, characters and phrases. Students identify, with some guidance, some cultural elements, share and compare responses, and express some opinions about characters, events and ideas in simple imaginative texts. They create or adapt, with some guidance, imaginative texts for different audiences, describing characters, plotting storylines and sequencing events. They identify some familiar words and phrases in simple texts that do not translate directly in English and interpret/translate them, with some guidance. Students experiment with and discuss the usefulness of various forms of dictionaries. They engage in intercultural experiences, describing simply, some aspects of language and culture that are unfamiliar, and discuss their own reactions and adjustments.

Students are becoming more familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, explaining and applying features of intonation, pronunciation and writing conventions used in different contexts and types of texts with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Students recognise and use grammatical features to form sentences to express details, such as the time, place and manner of an action, and to sequence ideas. They compare the use of tenses in English and Chinese, such as how future tense is often expressed through time phrases in Chinese. They identify the use of adverbial phrases and extend understanding of sentence structure using subject-time-place-manner-verb-object, such as 我星期一上学 and 我在澳大利亚上学. Students examine the clauses of a sentence in Chinese and notice how they are linked coherently. They apply processes of discourse development, such as joining (也、和), contrasting (但是) and sequencing (就) information. They explore, with guidance, values and beliefs across cultures, and identify ways in which cultural values are expressed through language. Students identify some ways in which Chinese is different in spoken and written forms.

Year Level Description

Year 6 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in the Chinese language developed in Year 5 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Chinese language and culture. Students gain greater independence and become more conscious of their peers and social context. As they gain a greater awareness of the world around them they also become more aware of the similarities and differences between the Chinese language and culture and their own.

Students communicate in Chinese, participating in oral interactions with others to exchange information and relate experiences about planning and organising social activities and events. They participate in guided written tasks to plan events or activities, organise displays or develop projects for a shared event. Students gather, classify, compare and respond to information and supporting details from a range of texts related to personal and social worlds. They share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas in a variety of imaginative texts and create simple spoken imaginative texts. Students create or reinterpret, for different audiences, written imaginative texts, describing characters and plotting a storyline.

Students are becoming more familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, using Pinyin to record the sound of phrases or sentences with greater accuracy. They use context-related vocabulary in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes. They recognise and use grammatical features to form sentences to express details. Students continue to build a metalanguage for Chinese to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures.

Students understand that the Chinese is characterised by diversity in spoken and written forms. They also explore values and beliefs across cultures and identify how cultural values are expressed through language.

In Year 6 students continue to widen their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in both their first language and Chinese. They are encouraged to use Chinese as much as possible for interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice.

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