

Initiate and participate in spoken interactions with peers and known adults, using modelled expressive and descriptive language to talk about, give opinions, share thoughts and feelings on people, social events and school experiences, for example,
我今年上七年级; 你是哪国人?;我喜欢上学;

Engage in written interactions with peers and other familiar participants to plan activities or social events, exchange information such as hosting a Chinese class or visitor, preparing for a real or virtual school event, trip or excursion

Share information about life in different cultural contexts, expressing ideas and opinions, for example, 中国人喜欢吃米饭,


Access and summarise key information and supporting details from spoken texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds

Locate, classify and organise key points of information from written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds and re-present this information for known audiences


Respond to a range of performance-based imaginative texts, identifying how features of performance, including the use of posture, movement, voice, images and sound, are used to convey different emotions and attitudes and apply this knowledge to their own oral performances and texts

Create and perform simple, individual and shared written imaginative texts that involve imagined characters and places, to describe experiences and to entertain peers and younger audiences


Translate short phrases and texts for different audiences varying the language to explain key points for these different audiences


Interact and engage with members of the Chinese-speaking community to share and compare aspects of culture that affect communication and notice how their own culture impacts on language use, for example, ways of expressing feelings or politeness protocols associated with social events

Consider their own biography, including personal experiences, family origins, traditions and beliefs, interests and experience, impacts on identity and communication