Initiate and maintain spoken interactions with peers and known adults, using modelled expressive and descriptive language to share ideas, views and experiences of family and community activities, social events, special occasions and milestones, for example, 中国人春节喜欢穿红色的衣服和吃饺子; 澳大利亚人圣诞节喜欢…
Engage in written interactions and activities with peers and other familiar participants that involve planning, sharing ideas and views considering options, inviting, negotiation of arrangements and solving problems
Compare opinions on and attitudes towards different cultures such as 我喜欢上学,因为…;
Access, summarise and share key ideas and information and opinions from a range of spoken texts related to their personal and social worlds and present them in different formats for the intended audience
Organise and present information from a range of written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using descriptive and expressive language to compare perspectives and experiences
Respond to a range of performance-based imaginative texts, observing how characters, emotions and attitudes are portrayed and express opinions about these aspects in their own oral performances and texts
Create and perform a range of written imaginative texts to describe experiences that involve imagined contexts and characters such as raps, poems, picture books or cartoons, selecting appropriate language, rhythms and images to enrich the visual or listening experience
Translate and interpret texts and compare their own translation to peers’, reflecting on challenges associated with transferring meaning and concepts from one language to another
Participate in intercultural interactions with members of the Chinese-speaking community to discuss cultural practices, demonstrating awareness of the importance of shared understanding and reflect on adjustments made as a result of reactions and responses
Consider how their own biography impacts on identity and communication and shapes their own intercultural experiences