Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures, to share information about themselves, their age and where they live and to talk about their favourite things, for example, Moi, j’ai six ans; Où habites-tu ? J’habite à Perth/à la campagne/en banlieue/en ville; J’aime le sport; Moi, je préfère le fromage; Tu as un stylo ? Oui, j’ai un stylo

Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures, to share information about themselves, their age and where they live and to talk about their favourite things, for example, Moi, j’ai six ans; Où habites-tu ? J’habite à Perth/à la campagne/en banlieue/en ville; J’aime le sport; Moi, je préfère le fromage; Tu as un stylo ? Oui, j’ai un stylo