Interact and socialise with the teacher and peers, using simple descriptive or expressive modelled language and gestures, to exchange information about friends and family members, for example, J’ai deux sœurs et j’ai un frère; Mon frère s’appelle Jack; Mon amie Julie est très jolie !; Elle a six ans; Mon grand-père est très gentil !
Participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are and offering wishes, for example, Salut, Nicole, ça va ? Pas mal, et toi ?; Bonjour, Madame Patou, comment allez-vous ?; Bonne nuit, Papa !; Bonjour Messieurs; A demain, Mademoiselle; A bientôt !; Bon courage !
Participate in class experiences, activities and everyday transactions that involve following instructions, asking questions and making statements, asking for help and permission
Locate specific points of information in a range of short written, spoken, multimodal and digital texts related to their personal worlds
Convey factual information about their personal worlds in simple statements, short descriptions and modelled texts
Participate in and respond to a range of imaginative texts, acting out events, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements about characters or themes
Create and perform short imaginative texts that use familiar expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports
Translate high-frequency words and expressions in simple texts such as captions, story titles or recurring lines in a story, noticing which ones are difficult to interpret
Notice what looks or feels similar or different to their own language and culture when interacting in French, for example, gestures such as la bise or pronunciation of some sounds