
Systems of language

Experiment with the pronunciation of vowel sounds, word endings shared with English such as –tion
and –ent and intonation patterns

Write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and apply elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • observing the relationship between subject pronouns and verb endings, using je/tu/il/elle/on + present tense of verbs associated with familiar actions and environments, for example, Il se lève à sept heures; Je vais à l’ecole à huit heures; Tu aimes le français; Elle est en classe; On commence à 8h30
  • expressing negation in simple sentence structures and colloquial expressions, for example, Je ne sais pas; Elle ne mange pas; Tu ne viens pas ?; Pas du tout !
  • using an increasing range of adjectives including additional gender forms, for example, blanc/blanche, gros/grosse, petit/petite, grand/grande
  • using some adverbs to elaborate on simple verb statements, for example, Elle mange lentement; Je chante doucement; Il parle très vite

Begin to develop a metalanguage in French for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English

Notice differences in familiar texts such as personal, informative and imaginative texts and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve their purpose

Language variation and change

Understand that different ways of using French language reflect different regions and countries, different relationships and different ways of making meaning

Role of language and culture

Understand that French is an important global language used by communities in many countries around the world and that it has connections with several other languages

Make connections between language and culture use by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect different cultural values, traditions or practices