Year 1 SyllabusTest


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Year 1 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 1 German: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required by students to communicate in the German language developed in Pre-primary and focuses on extending their oral communication skills. Typically, the students’ only exposure to and experience of the German language and culture is from their school learning environment.

Students communicate in German, interacting with their teacher and peers to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language to support understanding and to convey meaning or to respond to teacher talk and instruction in German. Students locate key words and information in simple texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, familiar words and simple statements. They participate in listening to and viewing a range of short imaginative texts and in shared performance of short imaginative texts.

Students become familiar with the systems of the German language, recognising and reproducing the sounds and rhythms of spoken German, developing familiarity with the German alphabet and sound-letter correspondence. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and recognise some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.

In Year 1 students recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different languages, including German and that German and English borrow words and expressions from each other. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.

Students learn German in the early years through rich language input. Regular opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, response and encouragement assist students in the language learning process.



Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures, to share information about themselves, their age and where they live and to talk about their favourite things,
for example, Ich bin fünf; Wie alt bist du?; Ich wohne in Perth; Ich mag … (nicht);ich mag Äpfel; Ich habe eine Katze; Mein Lieblingstier ist... Hast Du einen Bleistift?; Ich habe einen Bleistift

Participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language in songs and rhymes such as
1, 2, Polizei, games, gestures and pictures to support understanding and to convey meaning

Respond to teacher talk and instruction, for example, Entschuldigung!; Bitte; Hebt/Heb die Hand; Sprecht/Sprich lauter/leiser


Locate key words and information in simple spoken and written texts such as charts, lists, labels and captions, rhymes and songs, related to their personal worlds

Convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, labels, captions, familiar words and simple statements


Participate in listening to and viewing a range of short imaginative texts and respond through action, dance, singing, drawing and collaborative retelling

Participate in the shared performance of songs, rhymes, stories and the presentation of action stories using verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and modelled language


Share with others simple German expressions, sounds and gestures, name familiar objects and use German and/or English to conduct simple conversations


Notice ways of talking in German that appear different to their own ways and how voice, behaviour and body language may change when speaking German


Systems of language

Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken German, developing familiarity with the German alphabet and sound-letter correspondence, for example, through singing das Alphabetlied or playing games such as Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • noticing that German has multiple words for ‘the’ and ‘a/an’
  • using the possessive adjectives mein/e and dein/e or a form of haben and an indefinite article to express a relationship to an object, for example, Das ist mein Bleistift
  • gaining awareness of terms referring to quantities of people and things, including cardinal numbers 0–20 and mehr and weniger
  • understanding and using some question words and the intended/related answer in limited contexts, including was (an object), wer (a person), wie (manner) and wie viele (quantity)
  • using simple modelled questions and statements
  • negating verbs and adjectives using nicht

Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and that different types of texts have different features

Language variation and change

Recognise that German speakers use language differently in different situations such as when socialising with peers and friends, at home with the family, for example, Ein Kuss, Papa! Ich liebe dich, mein Schatz!

Role of language and culture

Recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different languages, including German and that German and English borrow words and expressions from each other

Achievement standard

At standard, students interact in German with their teacher and each other through guided group activities and tasks to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They respond to teacher talk and instructions, using appropriate non-verbal forms of expression, or short one or two-word answers. Students recognise key words and specific information in simple spoken and written texts relating to their personal worlds and convey factual information. Students use familiar words, short statements or phrases and simple sentences with guidance, to identify and describe people and objects in the family and school domains such as der Lehrer, eine Freundin, Das ist mein Heft. They participate in shared performance of short spoken and visual imaginative texts and respond through verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and well-rehearsed language. They use German and English to share with others simple German expressions, sounds and gestures, and name some familiar objects.

Students become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of spoken German, developing familiarity with the German alphabet and sound-letter correspondence. They recognise that using a language involves behaviours as well as words, and that voice, behaviour and body language may change when interacting in German. They identify some words that are written the same in both German and English but pronounced differently, and provide an example of a word or expression that German and English borrow from each other. They use familiar vocabulary and recognise some first elements of grammar. Students use German and/or English to conduct short conversations using simple modelled questions and statements that include some pronouns such as ich, du, sie and wir and possessive adjectives mein/e and dein/e. Students recognise that German has multiple words for ‘the’ and ‘a/an’ and gain awareness of terms referring to quantities of people and things, including cardinal numbers 0–20 and mehr and weniger. Students make some comments about how language is organised as ‘text’ and that different types of texts have different features. They recognise that German speakers use language differently in different situations. Students recognise that Australia is a multilingual society and provide an example of a word or expression that English has borrowed from German.

Year Level Description

Year 1 German: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required by students to communicate in the German language developed in Pre-primary and focuses on extending their oral communication skills. Typically, the students’ only exposure to and experience of the German language and culture is from their school learning environment.

Students communicate in German, interacting with their teacher and peers to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language to support understanding and to convey meaning or to respond to teacher talk and instruction in German. Students locate key words and information in simple texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, familiar words and simple statements. They participate in listening to and viewing a range of short imaginative texts and in shared performance of short imaginative texts.

Students become familiar with the systems of the German language, recognising and reproducing the sounds and rhythms of spoken German, developing familiarity with the German alphabet and sound-letter correspondence. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and recognise some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.

In Year 1 students recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different languages, including German and that German and English borrow words and expressions from each other. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.

Students learn German in the early years through rich language input. Regular opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, response and encouragement assist students in the language learning process.

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