Systems of language

Explore the features of spoken and written language and apply variations in relation to features such as stress, pronunciation and contractions, for example, Ich hab keine Lust or Mach’s gut!

Recognise the interactive, fluid and transitory nature of spoken language, identifying features such as interactivity and the use of repetition, pauses, interruptions, contractions, incomplete sentences and reliance on non-verbal elements and vocal expression

Recognise and reproduce rhythms in complex sentences, using pausing and intonation to signal clause boundaries and emphasis

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning in texts, including:

  • noticing that relative pronouns have gender and case and are usually the same as definite articles, understanding the difference in function, for example, Das ist der Beruf, den ich am interessantesten finde
  • understanding the difference between interrogatives which incorporate a preposition and refer to people and those which refer to objects, for example, Mit wem gehst du zur Party?; Worüber schreibst du deinen Englischaufsatz?
  • understanding and using the appropriate tense (present, present perfect, simple past, future) with a range of regular and irregular verbs, including, common reflexive verbs, including some with dative reflexive pronoun and noun direct object, transitive and intransitive verbs, modal verbs and verbs with separable and inseparable prefixes
  • describing plans and aspirations using werden and a single infinitive, for example, In der Zukunft werde ich mehr Sport treiben
  • indicating contradiction using doch
  • using a range of expressions for indefinite quantities, for example, einige, manche, mehrere
  • understanding and using formulaically common subjunctive forms (Konjunktiv II) such as hätte and wäre and würde + infinitive, for example, Wenn ich reich wäre, würde ich ein schnelles Auto kaufen; Er tut so, als ob er keine Zeit hätte
  • recognising instances of the genitive case mainly in written texts, for example, Omas Leben, die Rolle der Frau, der Gebrauch des Genitivs, understanding its function to indicate possession and using the more common ‘von + dative case + noun’ as an alternative, for example, das Haus von meinen Eltern/das Haus meiner Eltern

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions