Experiment with encoding and decoding familiar German words using alphabetic knowledge of single letters, consonant clusters (sch) and vowel combinations (au, ei, eu, ie)
Understand that intonation patterns create different meanings, as in the distinction between statements, questions and exclamations, for example, Du bist acht; Du bist acht?; Du bist acht!
Recognise and apply basic rules for German pronunciation
Understand and apply punctuation rules in German, including the meaning and use of full stops and commas in ordinal and decimal numbers, for example, die 3. Klasse and 9,50 Euro and capitalisation rules
Write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts
Experiment with encoding and decoding familiar German words using alphabetic knowledge of single letters, consonant clusters (sch) and vowel combinations (au, ei, eu, ie)
Understand that intonation patterns create different meanings, as in the distinction between statements, questions and exclamations, for example, Du bist acht; Du bist acht?; Du bist acht!
Recognise and apply basic rules for German pronunciation
Understand and apply punctuation rules in German, including the meaning and use of full stops and commas in ordinal and decimal numbers, for example, die 3. Klasse and 9,50 Euro and capitalisation rules
Write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts