Systems of language
Explain and apply basic rules for German pronunciation
Understanding that ß can only be used in lower case, otherwise SS and that ä, ö and ü can be written as ae, oe and ue respectively, for example, in upper case signs or word puzzles such as crosswords
Apply phonic and grammatical knowledge to spell and write unfamiliar words containing, for example, ch, j, v, w, y and z and diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie
Use context-related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes including:
- understanding and describing current, recurring and future actions, including by using common separable verbs such as aufstehen, ausgehen, aussehen, fernsehen, mitkommen and mitnehmen
- understanding and expressing obligation and permission using the modal verbs müssen and dürfen, for example, Ich darf zu dir kommen; ich muss mein Zimmer aufräumen
- making comparisons using simple structures such as Ich mag Erdbeeren lieber als Kiwis; Radfahren ist besser als Autofahren
- using the comparative and superlative of adjectives,for example, gut, besser am, besten; klein, kleiner, am kleinsten; alt, älter, am ältesten
- comparing the meaning of the modal verbs wollen, sollen, mögen and können with their English equivalents
- noticing that some verbs can be combined with a separable or inseparable prefix that alters the meaning of the base verb, for example, Er kommt um 17.15 Uhr; Kommst du mit?; Ich bekomme $50 zum Geburtstag
- understanding and speaking about past events by adapting modelled sentences in the present perfect tense and using knowledge of common verbs in the simple past tense, for example, Ich habe heute meine Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht; Wir sind nach Bali geflogen
- describing frequency using adverbs and adverbial expressions such as oft, manchmal, jeden Tag, immer, selten and nie
- understanding the meaning of the conjunctions dass and weil
- understanding questions using warum and responding with a simple sentence, for example, Warum bist du müde? Ich habe heute Fußball gespielt
- referring to a date, including the year, for an event such as a birth, for example, Meine Oma ist am 11. April 1956 geboren
- understanding and locating events in time, including the use of the 24-hour clock, prepositions such as nach and vor and formulaic expressions such as früher; später; am Wochenende; in den Ferien
Build a metalanguage in German to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures
Understand how German texts use language in ways that create different effects and suit different audiences
Language variation and change
Understand that the German language is used differently in different contexts and situations
Role of language and culture
Understand that the German language is constantly changing due to contact with other languages and to changing intercultural experiences
Understand that language and culture are integral to the nature of identity and communication