Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • identifying people using pronouns, for example, Ibu and Pak and using concrete nouns for objects, for example, buku, tas, pintu, anjing, kucing
  • using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduklah; Lipat tangan; Tepuk tangan
  • referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, for example, nol-sepuluh, puluh, belas
  • negating verbs using tidak
  • understanding different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, Siapa?; Apa?; Berapa?; Di mana?
  • describing the colour and size, of an animal or thing using noun–adjective phrases, for example, bola merah, anjing besar, kucing kecil, saya pendek


Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • identifying people using pronouns, for example, Ibu and Pak and using concrete nouns for objects, for example, buku, tas, pintu, anjing, kucing
  • using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduklah; Lipat tangan; Tepuk tangan
  • referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, for example, nol-sepuluh, puluh, belas
  • negating verbs using tidak
  • understanding different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, Siapa?; Apa?; Berapa?; Di mana?
  • describing the colour and size, of an animal or thing using noun–adjective phrases, for example, bola merah, anjing besar, kucing kecil, saya pendek