Year 2 SyllabusTest
Year 2 Syllabus
Year Level Description
Year 2 Indonesian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Indonesian language developed in Year 1 and focuses on extending the oral communication skills of students.
Students communicate in Indonesian, interacting with the teacher and peers in routine exchanges such asasking each other how they are, offering wishes and to talk about events in the day and over the year. They use repetitive and formulaic language to participate in guided group activities, simple tasks and transactions. Students identify key points of information in simple spoken, written or digital texts to complete guided tasks. They engage with a range of imaginative texts through shared reading, collaborative retelling and performance and create stories and perform imaginative scenarios.
Students become familiar with the systems of the Indonesian language, reproducing the sound of the vowels and the letters c (ch) and trilled r. They recognise and begin to write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts. Students notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions such as using noun-adjective phrases to describe the characteristics of a person, place or thing.
In Year 2 students recognise that all languages, including Indonesian, continuously change over time through contact with each other and through changes in society. They explore how Indonesian speakers use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms.
Students learn Indonesian in the early years through rich language input. At this stage, play and imaginative activities, music, movement and familiar routines, opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, provide the essential scaffolding to assist students in the language learning process.
Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple descriptive or expressive modelled language and gestures, to participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are, offering wishes and to talk about events in the day, and over the year, for example, Saya tinggi dan lucu; Saya mau makan apel; Selamat pagi, Bu! Apa kabar? Baik; Sampai jumpa!; Ulang tahun saya tanggal 25 Juni; Selamat Hari Natal dan Tahun Baru!; Ibu saya cantik
Participate in guided group activities, simple tasks and transactions and games, taking turns, exchanging and negotiating, using simple language
Respond to teacher talk and instruction and ask for clarification or assistance using simple questions, statements and gestures
Identify specific points of information from familiar types of simple spoken, written or digital texts to complete guided tasks related to their personal worlds
Convey factual information about their personal worlds using familiar words and phrases, simple statements and modelled language
Participate in listening to, viewing and reading a range of imaginative texts and respond through action, performance, shared reading and collaborative retelling
Create stories and perform imaginative scenarios, through role-play, mime, drawing, oral discussion or scaffolded writing activities, using familiar words and modelled language
Translate for others what they can express in Indonesian, interpreting simple expressions and songs and explaining how meanings are similar or different in English or other known languages
Recognise similarities and differences between aspects of Indonesian and Australian cultural practices and related language use
Systems of language
Reproduce the sound of the vowels and the letters
c (ch) and trilled r and reproduce spelling of simple, high-frequency words
Notice that statements, commands and questions have different intonations
Recognise and reproduce loan words from English and begin to write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts
Notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- describing possession using word order in familiar phrases, for example, Nama saya…; Ibu saya…
- describing actions using simple verbs, for example, makan, duduk, minum, suka, tidur, bermain
- interacting using auxiliary verbs, for example, ada, mau, boleh, bisa
- using different question words and the anticipated answer, for example, Siapa?; Apa?; Berapa?; Di mana?
- using imperatives to tell others to do something, for example, Duduk, Lipat tangan, Tepuk tangan
- referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, for example, nol-sepuluh, puluh, belas
- recognising joining words or phrases using conjunctions, for example, dan, tetapi
- referring to things using demonstratives ini and itu, for example, Ini buku
- describing the characteristics of things using noun-adjective phrases, for example, buku merah, anjing besar, kucing saya kecil, bapak saya tinggi, saya pendek,Ibu saya lucu
- negating verbs and adjectives using tidak
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose
Language variation and change
Understand that Indonesian speakers use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms such as when at home with the family or in the classroom
Role of language and culture
Understand that all languages, including Indonesian, change continuously through contact with each other and through changes in society
Achievement standard
At standard, students interact in Indonesian with their teacher and each other through routine exchanges, guided group activities, instructions and transactions to share information about how they are, offer wishes and talk about events in the day and over the year. They use simple descriptive or expressive modelled language, such as Selamat pagi, Bu! and Apa kabar? Students identify some specific points of information in simple texts to mostly complete guided tasks and they make use of familiar words and phrases, simple statements and modelled language to convey factual information about their personal worlds. They listen to, view and read a range of imaginative texts and respond using simple verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and some modelled language. They create stories with some guidance and perform imaginative scenarios, using familiar words and modelled language. Students translate for others some of what they can express in Indonesian, and state how meanings are similar or different in English. They identify some of the similarities and differences between Indonesian and Australian cultural practices and use of language.
Students reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken Indonesian and the pronunciation of the vowels and the letters c (ch) and trilled r, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use familiar vocabulary to convey factual information at word and simple sentence level, and some first elements of grammar to write simple texts, such as lists, captions and descriptions with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Students apply word order in familiar phrases, such as nama saya to describe possession. Students use simple verbs, such as suka and bermain to describe actions and auxiliary verbs, such as ada and mau. Students use question words, such as Di mana? and respond with the anticipated answer. Students use imperatives to tell others to do something, such as Tepuk tangan! and refer to numbers of things using cardinal numbers, such as nol-sepuluh, puluh and belas. Students use conjunctions, such as dan and tetapi and use demonstratives ini and itu to refer to things. Students use noun-adjective phrases, such as buku merah and Bapak saya to describe the characteristics of things and they negate verbs and adjectives using tidak. They identify some different forms of texts that use the different structures and features to achieve their purpose. Students identify some ways Indonesian speakers use language differently in different situations, and between different people and some ways that the Indonesian language has changed over time through contact with other languages and changes in society.
Year Level Description
Year 2 Indonesian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Indonesian language developed in Year 1 and focuses on extending the oral communication skills of students.
Students communicate in Indonesian, interacting with the teacher and peers in routine exchanges such asasking each other how they are, offering wishes and to talk about events in the day and over the year. They use repetitive and formulaic language to participate in guided group activities, simple tasks and transactions. Students identify key points of information in simple spoken, written or digital texts to complete guided tasks. They engage with a range of imaginative texts through shared reading, collaborative retelling and performance and create stories and perform imaginative scenarios.
Students become familiar with the systems of the Indonesian language, reproducing the sound of the vowels and the letters c (ch) and trilled r. They recognise and begin to write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts. Students notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions such as using noun-adjective phrases to describe the characteristics of a person, place or thing.
In Year 2 students recognise that all languages, including Indonesian, continuously change over time through contact with each other and through changes in society. They explore how Indonesian speakers use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms.
Students learn Indonesian in the early years through rich language input. At this stage, play and imaginative activities, music, movement and familiar routines, opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, provide the essential scaffolding to assist students in the language learning process.