Systems of language
Recognise different intonation for questions, statements and commands
Know that using the imperative form –lah with appropriate intonation softens its force and shows consideration
Write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts
Notice and use context-related vocabulary and apply elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- describing objects using concrete nouns such as rooms in the house and school, for example, Kamar tidur saya kecil; Di ruang kelas saya ada meja-meja dan kursi-kursi
- describing objects using simple adjectives, for example, kantor kecil; Ruang kelas saya besar; lapangan hijau
- specifying location using prepositions, for example, Ada buku di atas meja saya; di bawah, di dalam, di belakang
- seeking information using questions, for example, Kapan?; Dari mana?; Mau ke mana?
- linking ideas using conjunctions, for example, tetapi, atau
- locating events in time, for example, hari ini, kemarin, besok, sudah, belum, telling the time on the hour, for example, Kemarin saya pergi ke sekolah pada jam tujuh and using days of the week, for example, Pada hari Senin saya bermain bola basket
- understanding the rules for subject-verb-object sentence construction, for example, Saya bermain…; Saya makan… and possessive word order, for example, Adik laki-laki saya…; Tas Jake…
- recognising that the same rules of punctuation apply as in English, for example, using capital letters and full stops for sentences
Begin to develop a metalanguage in Indonesian for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English
Notice differences in familiar texts such as personal, informative and imaginative texts and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve their purpose