
Systems of language

Notice pronunciation of phonemes such as ng/ngg/ny in the middle of words (dengan, tangan, tinggal, tanggal)

Notice the difference in pronunciation of loan words from English, for example, komputer, pensil

Use context related vocabulary and develop and apply knowledge of grammatical elements in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • using prepositions to specify the location of places and objects in the home, neighbourhood and local community, for example, Ada banyak mainan di kamar saya; Teman saya tinggal dekat rumah saya; Saya tinggal jauh dari stasiun kereta api; Di belakang sekolah kami ada sungai
  • using prepositions, for example, dari, ke, dengan, pada; Saya naik bis dari pasar ke rumah
  • understanding words and expressions indicating direction or means of transportation, for example, Saya berjalan kaki dari rumah saya ke stasiun bis; Ibu saya naik kereta api ke kota
  • referring to people and things using pronouns, for example, kami, kita, kamu
  • indicating possession using -nya, mereka, kami/kita, for example, Di depan rumahnya ada lapangan untuk bermain olahraga
  • directing others using imperatives, for example, Jangan!; Cepat! and inviting others using polite forms, for example, Duduklah, Silahkan
  • seeking information and explanation using question words, for example, Dengan siapa?; Naik apa?; Untuk apa?
  • indicating location in time using pada and place using di with atas, dalam, belakang
  • creating cohesion using conjunctions, for example, lalu, sebelum, sesudah; Sesudah makan pagi saya pergi ke sekolah dengan adik saya

Build a metalanguage in Indonesian to describe patterns, grammatical rules and variations in language structures

Recognise that spoken, written and multimodal Indonesian texts have certain conventions and can take different forms depending on the context in which they are produced

Language variation and change

Understand that there are variations in Indonesian as it is used in different contexts by different people, such as formal/informal register and regional variations

Role of language and culture

Notice how Indonesian contains influences from other languages such as regional and foreign languages

Reflect on how own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects communities’ ways of thinking and behaving and may be differently interpreted by others