Systems of language
Notice how stress works in polysyllabic words such as mendengarkan, melakukan, pekerjaan, perumahan, dibandingkan, kemauan, kesamaan and notice the use of intonation in subject-focus sentences
Extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:
- describing qualities of people using adjectives of character and appearance, for example, setia, keren, sabar, optimis
- creating nouns, for example, makan-an, minum-an, masak-an, baca-an
- describing actions using me- verbs, for example, saya mau merayakan HUT…
- seeking information using a range of question words, for example, Bagaimana?; Di mana?; Apakah?; Kapan?; Mengapa; Sudah pernah?
- adding further information using embedded clauses with yang
- accepting or declining invitations, for example, mau ikut, maaf, sayang
- well-wishing, for example, mudah-mudahan, semoga
- describing state of actions, for example, sudah, belum, pernah
- making comparisons, for example, sedangkan and indicating similarities and differences, for example, berbeda, sama dengan
Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources
Understand the structures, conventions and purpose associated with a range of texts created for purposes such as information exchange or social interaction