
Systems of language

Correctly apply stress in polysyllabic words and use intonation in complex sentences, for example, Walaupun saya tidak suka berenang, tetapi saya senang bermain di pantai; Saya lebih suka bermain bulu tangkis daripada bermain tenis yang membosankan

Continue to extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and additional elements of grammar, including:

  • indicating negation, for example, jangan, tidak sama sekali, bukan
  • indicating quantity using juta
  • using classifiers, for example, buah, helai, potong, ikat
  • referring to past and future using time indicators, for example, tadi pagi, nanti malam, sebelum, sesudah, kemudian, lalu and referring to length of time, for example, selama, makan waktu…
  • seeking information using a range of questions, for example, Bagaimana?; Di mana?; Apakah?; Kapan?; Mengapa?; Sudah pernah?; Dari mana?; Berapa lama?; Dengan siapa?; Naik apa?; Pernahkah siapa?
  • describing frequency using adverbs, for example, jarang, setiap, pernah, selalu
  • creating cohesion using conjunctions, for example, walaupun, karena, supaya
  • accepting or declining invitations, for example, mau ikut, maaf, sayang
  • comparing and contrasting, for example, paling, ter-, dibandingkan dengan…
  • expressing opinions, for example, dari pihak saya…
  • expressing emotions, for example, -wah, sayang, asyik, hebat, siip, seru

Continue to build a metalanguage to describe grammatical concepts and to organise learning resources

Apply the structures and conventions associated with a range of text types and identify key features and functions of the different genres

Language variation and change

Understand that Indonesian, like other languages, is constantly expanding to include new words and expressions in response to changing environments due to globalisation, technology, language shifts and exchange and intercultural experience

Role of language and culture

Reflect on different aspects of the cultural dimension of learning and using Indonesian and consider how this might be interpreted and responded to by members of the community