Year 1 SyllabusTest
Year 1 Syllabus
Year Level Description
Year 1 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required by students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Pre-primary and focuses on extending their oral communication skills. Typically, the students’ only exposure to and experience of the Italian language and culture is from their school learning environment.
Students communicate in Italian, interacting with their teacher and peers to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language to support understanding and to convey meaning or to respond to teacher talk and instruction in Italian. Students locate key words and information in simple texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, familiar words and simple statements. They participate in listening to and viewing a range of short imaginative texts and in shared performance of short imaginative texts.
Students become familiar with the systems of the Italian language, recognising and reproducing the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language noticing similarities and differences with English and pronounce the Italian alphabet - in particular the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u and the rolled r. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and recognise some first elements of grammar such as grammatical gender and formulaic structures with ho and sono, to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.
In Year 1 students recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different community languages, including Italian and that Italian and English borrow words and expressions from each other. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.
Students learn Italian in the early years through rich language input. Regular opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, response and encouragement assist students in the language learning process.
Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures to share information about themselves, their age and where they live and to talk about their favourite things, for example, Io ho sei anni; Io ho gli occhi verdi e i capelli rossi; Sono italiano, e tu? Sono australiana; Da dove vieni? Vengo da Torino; Abito a Subiaco; Hai una matita? Si, ho una matita; Ti piace il gelato? Sì, molto; Preferisco la pizza; Gioco a football
Participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language in songs, rhymes, games such as tombola, songs such as canzone alfabeto italiano, gestures and pictures to support understanding and to convey meaning
Respond to teacher talk and instruction,
for example, In cerchio!; Insieme; Qui; Attenzione!; Non parlare/ parlate!; Silenzio!; Alza/Alzate la mano!
Locate key words and information in simple spoken and written texts such as charts, lists, labels and captions, rhymes and songs related to their personal worlds
Convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, labels, captions, familiar words and simple statements
Participate in listening to and viewing a range of short, imaginative texts and responding through action, dance, singing, drawing and collaborative retelling
Participate in the shared performance of songs, rhymes, stories and the presentation of action stories using verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and modelled language
Share with others simple Italian expressions, sounds and gestures, name familiar objects and use Italian and/or English to conduct simple conversations
Notice ways of talking in Italian that appear different to their own ways and become aware of how voice, behaviour and body language may change when speaking Italian
Systems of language
Recognise and reproduce the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language noticing similarities and differences with English
Pronounce the Italian alphabet - in particular the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, the rolled r, the c as in ciao and the ch as in chi
Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:
- noticing definite and indefinite articles with nouns, for example, la matita, il libro, il quaderno; una maestra, uno studente; i ragazzi, le ragazze
- noticing that Italian words end mostly with vowels to mark gender and number, for example, fratello, sorella, libro, libri
- observing that some words which do not end with a vowel are the same in English, for example, computer, robot, yogurt, sport
- identifying people using pronouns, for example, io, tu
- noticing the use of formulaic structures with ho and sono when giving personal information about state or identity, for example, Ho due fratelli; Sono basso; Ho sei anni; Ho gli occhi verdi; Sono alto
- understanding and responding to imperatives, for example, Vieni qui!; Fate attenzione!
- learning the structure of simple statements and questions based on models, for example, lo ho sei anni; Io abito a Subiaco; È Marco? No, è Stefano
- developing number knowledge for numbers
Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ and different types of texts have different features
Language variation and change
Recognise that Italian speakers use language differently in different situations such as when socialising with peers and friends or at home with the family, for example, Un bacio, papà!;Ti voglio bene, tesoro!
Role of language and culture
Recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different worlds and community languages, including Italian and that Italian and English borrow words and expressions from each other such as opera, pasta, spaghetti, computer
Achievement standard
At standard, students interact in Italian through guided group activities, classroom instructions and routines to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They use simple modelled language, gestures and other forms of expression with some guidance, to ask questions and make statements, such as Da dove vieni? and Abito a Subiaco. Students locate most key words and information in simple spoken and written texts and convey most factual information using verbal and non-verbal forms of expression. They respond to short spoken and visual imaginative texts and participate in the shared performance and presentation of short texts, using familiar verbal and non-verbal forms of expression and some modelled language. They share some familiar Italian words, greetings, questions and responses, sounds and gestures, and name some familiar objects. Students talk about some of the ways of talking in Italian that appear different from their own ways and how their voice and body language may change when speaking Italian.
Students recognise and reproduce the sounds and intonations patterns of spoken Italian including the alphabet, vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, the rolled r, the c, as in ciao and the ch, as in chi, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use some first elements of grammar with a satisfactory level of accuracy to convey factual information and to write simple texts, such as lists, labels and captions. Students recognise subject pronouns used to identify people and use formulaic structures with ho and sono, such as Io ho gli occhi verdi and Sono alto. They structure simple statements and questions based on models, such as È Marco? and Io ho sei anni. Students identify some of the grammatical markers for gender and number, such as nouns ending mostly in vowels and the use of different definite and indefinite articles. Students develop knowledge of numbers 0–31 and respond to simple imperative verb forms, such as Vieni qui! They make some observations about how language is organised as ‘text.’ They recognise that speakers of Italian use language differently in different situations, that Italian is one of the many languages spoken in Australia, and that some Italian words are used when we speak English and vice versa.
Year Level Description
Year 1 Italian: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required by students to communicate in the Italian language developed in Pre-primary and focuses on extending their oral communication skills. Typically, the students’ only exposure to and experience of the Italian language and culture is from their school learning environment.
Students communicate in Italian, interacting with their teacher and peers to share information about themselves, their age and where they live, and to talk about their favourite things. They participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language to support understanding and to convey meaning or to respond to teacher talk and instruction in Italian. Students locate key words and information in simple texts and convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, familiar words and simple statements. They participate in listening to and viewing a range of short imaginative texts and in shared performance of short imaginative texts.
Students become familiar with the systems of the Italian language, recognising and reproducing the sounds and intonation patterns of the Italian language noticing similarities and differences with English and pronounce the Italian alphabet - in particular the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u and the rolled r. They notice and use context-related vocabulary and recognise some first elements of grammar such as grammatical gender and formulaic structures with ho and sono, to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.
In Year 1 students recognise that Australia is a multilingual society with speakers of many different community languages, including Italian and that Italian and English borrow words and expressions from each other. They know that language is used differently in different situations and between different people. They identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.
Students learn Italian in the early years through rich language input. Regular opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, response and encouragement assist students in the language learning process.