

Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple descriptive or expressive modelled language and gestures, to participate in routine exchanges such as asking each other how they are, offering wishes and talking about events in the day and over the year, for example, Martedì, io vado al cinema; Il mio compleanno è il venticinque marzo; Buon compleanno Mauro! Tanti auguri!; Buon Natale!; Oggi fa bel tempo/piove

Participate in guided group activities, simple tasks, transactions and games, taking turns, exchanging and negotiating, using simple language

Respond to teacher talk and instruction, for example, Siediti/Sedetevi, per favore; Apri il quaderno!; Chiudi/Chiudete la porta!; Tira la palla; Tocca a te!


Identify specific points of information from familiar types of simple spoken, written or digital texts to complete guided tasks related to their personal worlds

Convey factual information about their personal worlds using familiar words and phrases, simple statements and modelled language


Participate in listening to, viewing and reading a range of imaginative texts and responding through action, performance, shared reading and collaborative retelling

Create stories and perform imaginative scenarios, through role-play, mime, drawing, oral discussion or scaffolded writing activities, using familiar words and modelled language


Translate for others what they can express in Italian, interpreting simple expressions and songs and explaining how meanings are similar or different in English or other known languages


Recognise similarities and differences between aspects of Italian and Australian cultural practices and related language use