Notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • noticing and using definite and indefinite articles with nouns
  • noticing that adjectives are used to describe people, objects or places and are usually placed after the noun, for example, la giornata lunga; la torta grande/deliziosa
  • exploring how to use singular and plural forms
  • understanding different words for asking questions, for example, Chi?; Quando?; Quanti?
  • identifying people using pronouns, for example, io, tu, lui, lei
  • learning simple verbs to describe actions and using them in formulaic expressions, for example, Mi piace ballare; Ti piace andare al parco?
  • using simple conjunctions such as e
  • responding to imperatives, for example, Silenzio!; Alzate la mano!
  • using cardinal numbers for dates and ages
  • using vocabulary for months of the year
  • developing number knowledge for numbers

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and understand some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • noticing and using definite and indefinite articles with nouns
  • noticing that adjectives are used to describe people, objects or places and are usually placed after the noun, for example, la giornata lunga; la torta grande/deliziosa
  • exploring how to use singular and plural forms
  • understanding different words for asking questions, for example, Chi?; Quando?; Quanti?
  • identifying people using pronouns, for example, io, tu, lui, lei
  • learning simple verbs to describe actions and using them in formulaic expressions, for example, Mi piace ballare; Ti piace andare al parco?
  • using simple conjunctions such as e
  • responding to imperatives, for example, Silenzio!; Alzate la mano!
  • using cardinal numbers for dates and ages
  • using vocabulary for months of the year
  • developing number knowledge for numbers