Systems of language
Use appropriate Italian pronunciation, stress and intonation in sentences, developing control of pronunciation of consonant and vowel combinations, double consonants, intonation, stress and accents when speaking and reading aloud
Increase control of context-related vocabulary and extend grammatical knowledge, including:
- beginning to use pronouns to refer to the person carrying out an action or to refer to somebody or something, including personal pronouns (use, position and elusion), direct object pronouns and reflexive pronouns, for example, La mia amica del cuore si chiama Stella. Parlo con lei ogni giorno e la vedo ogni sabato sera
- recognising that adverbs and adverbial phrases of manner, place and time modify the meaning of verbs and adjectives, for example, proprio, troppo, abbastanza, specialmente
- describing events across present and past, choosing appropriate tenses, including present, present perfect and imperfect tenses
- exposure to the conditional mood in formulaic expressions
Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions
Analyse how and why language is used differently in different contexts and relationships
Language variation and change
Investigate how language varies according to context and speakers
Explore changes to both Italian and Australian English and identify reasons for these changes such as education, media and new technologies, popular culture and intercultural exchange
Role of language and culture
Explore how language both reflects and shapes cultural distinctions such as community, social class, gender and generation