Interact with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures, to share information about themselves and to talk about their favourite things, for example,
ちいさい 目 です;ねずみ です;ちいさい です;かわいい です;はいいろ です;すいか です;おいしい です; いちご が すきです;
へび が すきじゃないです
Express praise, support and respect for others, using formulaic expressions such as おめでとう
Participate in guided group activities, using simple repetitive language in songs, rhymes, games such as じゃんけんぽん, transactions, gestures and pictures, to support understanding and to convey meaning
Respond to teacher talk and instruction, for example,
はい、います;Tiaさん は、いません;
おやすみ です;おくれて すみません
Locate key words, simple kanji or hiragana and information in simple spoken and written texts such as charts, lists, anime, rhymes and songs related to their personal worlds
Convey factual information about their personal worlds using pictures, labels, captions, familiar words and simple statements, for example,
ぼく の えんぴつ です;いぬ が すき です
Participate in listening to and viewing a range of short, imaginative texts and respond through action, dance, singing, drawing, collaborative retelling and responding to prompt questions, for example,
だれ ですか;ちいさい ですか;おおきい ですか;かわいい ですか
Use simple language structures and supporting drawings or actions to describe and respond to imaginary characters or experiences, for example, おに は こわい!;いっすんぼうし は ちいさい です;ももたろう は つよい です
Re-enact or retell simple stories or interactions with puppets, props, actions or gestures, using modelled language, for example,
Identify key words in children’s stories or songs and provide English translations or explanations of meaning, for example,
Find examples of Japanese words used in English and explain what they mean, for example, sushi, karate, origami
Notice ways of talking in Japanese that appear different to their own ways and notice how voice, behaviour and body language may change when speaking Japanese