Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • understanding basic word order in simple sentences, for example, noun が すき です;りんご が すき です;adjective + nounです;おおきい   いぬ です
  • referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers 0–10, for example、二、三
  • recognising that numbers 4, 7 and 9 have more than one reading
  • learning to describe the colour, size and shape of things, for example, みどり です;おおきい です;まる/しかく/ほし です
  • recognising and responding to a request using verb ください, for example, すわってください


Notice and use context-related vocabulary and some first elements of grammar to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • understanding basic word order in simple sentences, for example, noun が すき です;りんご が すき です;adjective + nounです;おおきい   いぬ です
  • referring to numbers of things using cardinal numbers 0–10, for example、二、三
  • recognising that numbers 4, 7 and 9 have more than one reading
  • learning to describe the colour, size and shape of things, for example, みどり です;おおきい です;まる/しかく/ほし です
  • recognising and responding to a request using verb ください, for example, すわってください