Systems of language

Understand that hiragana symbols can be combined to represent words

Understand that vowel length can differentiate words in Japanese, for example, いいえiie for ‘no’ and いえie for ‘house’

Commence writing their own words, structures and phrases in hiragana with the support of a hiragana chart and word lists

Recognise and write frequently-used kanji

Learn to read and write words using hiragana

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and apply elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts to generate language for a range of purposes, including:

  • using verbs in past tense
  • beginning to use counters in Japanese, for example, ~人、~さい、~月
  • indicating time and frequency using expressions such as まいにち、ときどき
  • telling time using ~じ/~じはん です
    なんじ ですか
  • understanding words and expressions indicating direction or means of transportation, for example,
    くるま で がっこう に いきます

Begin to develop a metalanguage in Japanese for talking about language, using terms similar to those used in English

Notice differences in familiar texts such as personal, informative and imaginative texts, and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve their purpose