Systems of language

Recognise that katakana is used for loan words, and that these words must be pronounced within the combinations of available Japanese sounds

Recognise that in the copula desu and the verb suffix masu, the ‘u’ is devoiced in normal speech

Recognise all katakana, including voiced, unvoiced, contracted and blended sounds using the kana chart

Write words and phrases using both kana and kanji, for example, 大きい車; 小さい木

Use furigana to support the reading of unfamiliar kanji

Understand and control context-related vocabulary and develop understanding of how to control elements of the Japanese grammatical system, including;

  • understanding the different functions of a range of particles such as が (topic marker), を (object marker), に (time, date, place, destination, for)
    と (and, with), で (location, action, means),
    へ (direction, destination), ~から ~まで (from, as far as, distances)
  • describing daily routines and schedules for a week, using a range of particles to form sentences, for example, 六時にうちで兄とごはんを食べます
  • using い and な adjectives in the present tense in negative forms, for example, おいしくないです;しずかじゃないです
  • using noun phrases with an adjective, for example, きれいなうみです;おいしいレストランです
  • understanding that the exact word order of noun phrases is not important as long as they appear before the verb and are accompanied by correct particles
  • understanding the role of sentence-ending particles in conversation, such as ね for confirming or expecting a response and よ for emphasis
  • using adverbs as formulaic expressions, for example, いつも、ときどき
  • creating cohesion and flow by using conjunctions, for example, でも
  • understanding how to indicate politeness using ご and お prefixes, for example, お名前;先生のごかぞく

Continue to build a metalanguage in Japanese to describe and increase control of grammatical concepts and language elements