Systems of language

Understand that katakana is used for loan words and use available combinations of katakana to experiment with Japanese pronunciation of unfamiliar loan words, for example, ホワイトボード

Read and write all katakana, including voiced, unvoiced, contracted and blended sounds using the kana chart

Understand the relationship in texts between hiragana, katakana and kanji

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Japanese grammatical system to express a range of ideas and experiences in written and spoken forms, including:

  • using verbs to indicate – I want to ~たいです
  • using い and な adjectives in present and past tenses in negative forms such as たのしくなかったです/しずかじゃなかったです
  • using both affirmative and negative forms of particular grammatical elements in different tenses
  • creating cohesion and flow by using conjunctions, for example, だから、それで、それに
  • using counter classifiers, for example,
  • using superlatives, for example,
  • using adverbs and intensifiers such as

Continue to build a metalanguage in Japanese to describe and increase control of grammatical concepts and language elements

Identify the structures and key features of familiar texts in Japanese, such as announcements, tickets, advertisements, public signs or manga, to explain the relationship between the language and structure used and the purpose of the text