Increase control of context-related vocabulary and understand how sophistication in expression can be achieved by:

  • understanding and applying the rules of the plain form and knowing that the basic form of all Japanese verbs ends in -u, -eru or -iru, the forms they are listed under in dictionaries
  • understanding that verbs can be divided into three groups according to the way they are conjugated, 五だん verb (five-step verbs), 一だん verb (one-step verbs) and irregular verbs
  • using character charts as a systematic framework for recognising patterns for verb conjugation and applying the formation rules of each verb group
  • using verb て form to connect events, for example, 朝おきてジョギングをします
  • understanding and using the different functions of verb て form
  • using present continuous tense using verb
    ています, for example, ラジオを聞いています
  • using verb stems with grammatical features such as ~に行きます。
  • expressing number of actions, for example,
  • using adverbs as formulaic expressions, for example, 早く、おそく
  • increasing cohesion within paragraphs by using conjunctions, for example, ですから

Further develop a metalanguage to describe and increase control of grammatical concepts and language elements and to organise learning resources such as verb charts and lists of vocabulary and sentence structures

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and understand how sophistication in expression can be achieved by:

  • understanding and applying the rules of the plain form and knowing that the basic form of all Japanese verbs ends in -u, -eru or -iru, the forms they are listed under in dictionaries
  • understanding that verbs can be divided into three groups according to the way they are conjugated, 五だん verb (five-step verbs), 一だん verb (one-step verbs) and irregular verbs
  • using character charts as a systematic framework for recognising patterns for verb conjugation and applying the formation rules of each verb group
  • using verb て form to connect events, for example, 朝おきてジョギングをします
  • understanding and using the different functions of verb て form
  • using present continuous tense using verb
    ています, for example, ラジオを聞いています
  • using verb stems with grammatical features such as ~に行きます。
  • expressing number of actions, for example,
  • using adverbs as formulaic expressions, for example, 早く、おそく
  • increasing cohesion within paragraphs by using conjunctions, for example, ですから

Further develop a metalanguage to describe and increase control of grammatical concepts and language elements and to organise learning resources such as verb charts and lists of vocabulary and sentence structures