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Year Levels
General Capabilities
Cross-curriculum Priorities
Socialise and exchange and compare ideas and opinions in relation to issues relevant to their own lives and interests, such as relationships, events and aspirations
[Key concepts: friendship, relationships, values, youth culture; Key processes: interacting, comparing, responding]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Negotiate with peers to plan and take action on local and global issues and to engage in different forms of spoken, written and digital transactions
[Key concepts: environment, human rights, fairness; Key processes: discussing, debating, commenting, comparing]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.
Plan and evaluate collaborative activities and tasks that involve expressing and comparing opinions
[Key concepts: community, responsibility; Key processes: expressing, representing, discussing]
Achievement standard
To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.