Systems of language


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Systems of language


Attend to the pronunciation of sounds and intonation patterns used in social interactions and apply writing conventions such as question and exclamation marks

[Key concepts: auditory discrimination, stress, intonation, punctuation; Key processes: listening, reading, recognising] (ACLSPU156)

Achievement standard

To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.


Understand and use grammatical elements such as tenses, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs and noun-adjective agreements to construct simple texts for different purposes

[Key concepts: grammatical rules, patterns and irregularities; Key processes: applying rules, understanding, vocabulary building]

Achievement standard

To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.


Identify how different Spanish texts such as comics, cartoons, magazines or emails use language in ways that create different effects

[Key concepts: genre, structure, audience; Key processes: noticing, explaining]

Achievement standard

To be developed in 2015 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons.

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