Chinese: Second Language — Year 7 to Year 10


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Chinese: Second Language — Year 7 to Year 10

Year 7 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Students begin their study of Chinese in secondary school with little to no prior experience of the Chinese language and culture. Many will have learnt an additional language in primary school and bring existing language learning strategies, textual knowledge and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning Chinese. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in the languages are mutually supportive. Students may need encouragement to take risks in learning a new language at this stage in their social development and to consider issues of how the experience influences their first language and culture.

In Year 7, students communicate in Chinese, interacting with peers and known adults to exchange information about self, family and friends. They engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve planning, deciding and responding, or work together to highlight their language learning for family, friends and their school community. Students identify topic, gist and specific points of information from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, convey the information and ideas and use them in new ways. They respond to imaginative texts by discussing aspects, such as characters, events and/or key ideas. Students create simple own or shared imaginative texts by reinterpreting or adapting familiar texts and/or using modelled structures and language.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Chinese language when encountered in simple spoken and written texts. They use features of the Chinese sound system to discriminate use of tones, rhythm and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken language. Students become familiar with the Chinese writing system, focusing on the structure and basic components that feature in characters. They generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by recognising and using context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including the placement of time phrases, and begin to use conjunctions, negative words and particles. They build a metalanguage in Chinese to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts. Students reflect on their and others’ responses to interactions and intercultural experiences, and use these reflections to improve intercultural communication.

In Year 7, students learn Chinese through rich and varied language input, and the provision of experiences that are challenging, but achievable. English is predominantly used for discussion, clarification, explanation, analysis and reflection. To assist students in the language learning process, support is provided from the classroom teacher in the form of scaffolding, modelling and monitoring, explicit instruction and feedback, structured opportunities for understanding and practising new language, and the chance to revisit, recycle and review.



Interact with peers and known adults orally and in writing (Pinyin and characters) to exchange information about self and family and friends, for example, 同学们好; 我叫兰兰你叫什么名字?; 我十二岁;
你哥哥多大?; 我上七年级; 我爸爸是澳大利亚人; 我妈妈是中国人; 你家有几个/口人?
我家有四个/口人,有爸爸、妈妈和哥哥; 我妈妈是老师我爸爸是医生; 我有一只狗和两只猫


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve planning, deciding and responding, or working together to create displays, presentations or performances to showcase their language learning for family, friends or school community


Participate in classroom routines and interactions by responding to teacher talk, following instructions, asking and answering questions, requesting assistance or permission, asking others how they are and offering wishes, for example, 听; 老师;  谢谢; 对不起; 它是什么?; 它是……;
它们是……; 你好吗? 很好,你呢?;
陈先生,你好吗?; 明天见;再见; 生日快乐;
不用谢, 不客气; 对不起; 没关系



Identify topic, gist and specific points of information from a range of spoken and written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and use the information in new ways


Convey information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation



Respond to imaginative texts by describing aspects, such as characters, events and/or key ideas


Create simple own or shared imaginative texts by reinterpreting or adapting familiar texts and/or using modelled structures and language



Translate and interpret phrases and short texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases translate easily and which do not




Reflect on own and others’ responses to interactions and intercultural experiences, and use these reflections to improve intercultural communication


Reflect on experiences of learning and using another language, and share aspects of own identity, such as age, interests and family background, reflecting on how these impact on intercultural communication



Systems of language

Recognise the tone-syllable nature of the spoken language, discriminate use of tones, rhythm and sound flow in interactions, and use Pinyin to support learning the spoken language


Become familiar with the Chinese writing system, looking at how characters evolved, their structure and basic components that feature in many characters

Use knowledge of basic components to predict the meaning of related characters, for example, 火, 人, 山, 木, 口, 日, 月

Recognise some common radicals, for example, 口, 女, 人


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts, by recognising and using
context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including:

  • recognising and using simple verbs, including
    是, 有, 姓, 叫, 喜欢
  • identifying the placement of time phrases; the use of conjunctions (for example, 和 to add information); and the role of measure words, for example, 个, 只, 口
  • recognising and beginning to use negative words, including 没, 不
  • beginning to use 也 and 和 to connect and sequence information
  • using the possessive word 的 with pronouns to make a possessive
  • developing knowledge and using numbers  1–100
  • using 吗 to change a statement to a question
  • recognising and beginning to use particles, such as 呢, for example, 你呢?
  • using demonstrative pronouns 这, 那, for example, 这是我的哥哥; 那是一只狗
  • recognising and using the question word 谁, for example, 他是谁?

Build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Identify and use text structures and language features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts, and compare with structures and features of similar texts in English


Language variation and change

Examine linguistic features in texts to develop an understanding that languages vary according to elements, such as register

Understand that Chinese, like all languages, varies according to participants, roles and relationships, situations and cultures


Recognise that Chinese is an important Asian and global language and that Chinese, like other languages, has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and change


Role of language and culture

Explore the relationship between language and culture


Achievement Standard

At standard, students use familiar language when participating in spoken and written interactions to exchange information about self, family and friends, and in classroom tasks and routines. They identify and use some information, including topic, gist and some specific points of information, in simple Chinese texts. Students convey, and present in different ways, using learnt words, phrases and characters related to their personal and social world, simple information and ideas from texts. They describe aspects of Chinese imaginative texts, and use familiar and modelled language to create simple texts adapted from familiar imaginative texts. Students translate, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, some familiar words and phrases. They reflect on aspects of language, culture, personal identity and experiences of learning a language, and how these may impact on intercultural communication.

Students become familiar with the systems of Chinese, identifying and experimenting with Chinese tones, the sounds of Pinyin and character components. They recognise and apply some of the features of the Chinese sound system, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, when listening to, and speaking, Chinese. Students recognise and reproduce key Chinese characters and some elements of grammar in simple texts with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use familiar grammatical terms to talk about how language works. Students use some features and structures associated with familiar Chinese texts and make comparisons between similar texts in Chinese and English. They identify examples of the relationship between language and culture, and the place of Chinese in the local, national and global context.

Year 8 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 8 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in Chinese developed in Year 7 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of the Chinese language and culture. Students may need encouragement to take risks in learning a language at this stage in their social development and to consider issues of how the experience impacts on the norms associated with their first language and culture.

Students communicate in Chinese, maintaining interactions with peers and known adults to exchange information and discuss aspects of personal information, home life, daily routine, likes and dislikes, school life, interests and leisure activities. They engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve making arrangements, or organising events or outings. Students identify key information and supporting details from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and use the information in new ways. They convey information and ideas from texts, using different modes of presentation to suit audience and context. Students respond to imaginative texts, describing and discussing aspects, such as characters, events and/or ideas. They create imaginative texts by experimenting with different modes and formats, and creating moods and effects suitable for different audiences.

Students become more familiar with the systems of the Chinese language when encountered in simple spoken and written texts. They use features of the Chinese sound system, including homonyms and syllables with different tones, and Pinyin to record the sound of phrases or sentences with greater accuracy. Students interpret written texts by inferring meaning from common character components or position of components, and analyse how reliable this method is in translating and writing. They generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including adjectival and modal verbs, familiar verbs for daily routines, adverbs and time phrases. They continue to build a metalanguage in Chinese to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts. Students engage with Chinese speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language.

In Year 8, students are widening their social networks, experiences and communication repertoires in Chinese. The practice of reviewing and consolidating prior learning is balanced against the provision of engaging and relevant new experiences and connections. Students are supported to develop increasing autonomy as language learners and users, to self-monitor and peer-monitor, and to adjust language in response to their experiences in different contexts.



Maintain interactions with peers and known adults orally and in writing (Pinyin and characters) to exchange information and discuss aspects of personal information, home life, daily routine, likes and dislikes, school life, interests and leisure activities, for example, 我有绿色的眼睛;  棕色的头发;
我早上七点起床;  我和家人晚上六点半吃饭;
你最喜欢什么运动? 我最喜欢游泳我最不喜欢踢足球;
我爸爸喜欢吃古老肉我妈妈不喜欢吃炒饭; 我想吃汉堡包


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve making arrangements, inviting, planning, deciding and responding, for example, making arrangements for an outing with a friend, an excursion to a Chinese restaurant or organising a class event


Participate in classroom routines and interactions by asking and answering questions, requesting information, expressing feelings, opinions and personal preferences and responding to others’ contributions, for example, 他是我弟弟,他人很好。;我可以开始吗?; 我可以上厕所吗?; 我可以去喝水吗?我不明白。; 请回答。



Identify key information and supporting details from a range of spoken and written texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and use the information in new ways


Convey information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context and audience



Respond to imaginative texts by describing and discussing aspects, such as characters, events and/or ideas


Create own or shared imaginative texts by experimenting with different modes and formats, and creating moods and effects suitable for different audiences



Translate and interpret short texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, comparing different versions of a text and suggesting reasons for differences and mistranslations




Engage with Chinese speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language


Reflect on own identity, including identity as a learner and user of Chinese, through experiences or in attitudes to culture and intercultural communication



Systems of language

Recognise and discriminate between homonyms in Chinese, for example, shì 是 and 室, relying on contextual cues to assist understanding and differentiating syllables with different tones, for example, shì是 and shí十, and use Pinyin to record the sound of phrases or sentences with greater accuracy


Interpret written texts by inferring meaning from common character components or position of components and analyse how reliable this method is in translating and writing


Generate language for a range of purposes in simple spoken and written texts, by using context-related vocabulary and applying elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including:

  • beginning to recognise verb types found in Chinese, for example, adjectival verbs (高, 大) and modal verbs (会, 可以)
  • beginning to use adverbs, for example, 都 to indicate inclusion and 就 to indicate sequence
  • applying the placement of time and place phrases; the use of conjunctions (for example, 和 to add information); 还是/或者 to offer or indicate choices; and the role of measure words, for example, 个, 只
  • exploring the clauses of a sentence in Chinese and noticing how they are linked coherently, for example, 他叫王晓明, (他) 是我的朋友 (zero subject/pronoun)
  • using familiar verbs for daily routine, such as 起床, 去睡觉, 吃, 去上学, 玩, 学习, 听音乐, 读书/看书, 看电视
  • applying processes of discourse development by joining, contrasting and sequencing using 也,  和
  • exploring the concept of ‘tense’ across languages
  • recognising and usingsuggestion word 吧
  • using time phrases/expressions, such as 上午,  下午, 三点, 现在, 半, 刻, 分
  • beginning to use 跟 as a preposition

Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Identify, analyse and use text structures and language features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts, and explain how different types of texts are structured and use particular language features to suit different contexts, purposes and audiences


Language variation and change

Examine linguistic features in texts to understand that Chinese, like all languages, varies according to participants, roles and relationships, situations and cultures


Understand the dynamic nature of Chinese, and how it influences and is influenced by other languages and cultures


Role of language and culture

Explore the relationship between language and significant cultural values or practices in Chinese, English and other languages


Achievement Standard

At standard, students use mostly familiar language when participating in spoken and written interactions to exchange information in Chinese about their personal, home, and school life, and in classroom tasks and routines. They identify and use most key information and some supporting ideas and detail in Chinese texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and convey these in a variety of ways. They describe aspects of Chinese imaginative texts and use modelled language to adapt and create simple imaginative texts. Students translate short texts with a satisfactory level of accuracy, identifying some variations across different translations of a text. They reflect on aspects of language, culture, personal identity and experiences of learning a language, and how these may influence communication.

Students apply some features of the Chinese sound system, including tones, and writing system with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use Pinyin to support the understanding of spoken oral text, and use the understanding of common character components to infer meaning from written text. Students use familiar vocabulary and expressions about personal, home, and school life with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They use elements of grammar and some features of the writing system, including basic punctuation, with a satisfactory level of accuracy, to write short texts in Chinese. Students use some metalanguage when discussing aspects of language learning. They use most structures and some language features associated with familiar text types. They identify some features of Chinese that may need to be adjusted to suit different situations and relationships, and examples of how languages change and are influenced by each other.

Year 9 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 9 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in Chinese developed in Year 8 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of Chinese language and culture. They expand the range and nature of their learning experiences, and the contexts within which they communicate with others.

Students communicate in Chinese, initiating and maintaining interactions with others to discuss and compare events of significance in the lives of young people, including holidays, special events and travel. They engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve exchanging information, making arrangements or obtaining goods or services. Students identify information and ideas from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, comparing views and presenting information to inform or interest others. They convey information, ideas and opinions using different modes of presentation that take account of context, purpose and audience. Students respond to traditional and/or contemporary imaginative texts by summarising, expressing opinions, or modifying aspects. They create imaginative texts to inform or entertain, or to convey experiences or express ideas.

Students better understand the systems of the Chinese language when encountered in spoken and written texts. They increase control of regular and irregular elements of the Chinese sound system, applying differences in sounds and tones heard, including the range of vowel and consonant combinations. Students interpret written texts by estimating the probable sound and meaning of characters, based on understanding of familiar radicals and phonetic sides. They generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by extending their understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including comparing ways in which tense is expressed, using cohesive devices, conjunctions, the measure words 件 and 条 and intensifiers. Students continue to build a metalanguage in Chinese to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts. They engage with Chinese speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language, and being aware of audience and context.

In Year 9 learning is characterised by consolidation and progression. Students work increasingly independently to analyse, reflect on and monitor their language learning and intercultural experiences; however, they still require guidance through modelling, scaffolding and monitoring.



Initiate and maintain interactions with others orally and in writing to discuss and compare events of significance in the lives of young people, including holidays, special events and travel, for example,  我要带一条连衣裙和两件衬衫。;  你去过中国吗?; 你假期过得怎么样?; 你的机票多少钱?; 我的飞机票花了一千多块钱。; 我坐火车去北京。; 去日本旅游挺贵的。; 你觉得怎么样?我觉得挺好的。; 你假期打算去哪里?; 你去过日本吗?; 你假期过得怎么样?


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks, such as exchanging information, making arrangements or obtaining goods or services, for example, for a class celebration, when travelling or in a Chinese-speaking country, arranging an outing, purchasing souvenirs or using transport


Develop classroom language to contribute to structured discussions and reflect on learning experiences by making suggestions, asking questions for clarification and expressing agreement or disagreement, for example, 怎么说?; 请帮我; 怎么写?; 对不起,但是……; 我觉得…因为……; 当然我不同意; 太棒了, 好主意; 你可以说慢一些吗?; 这是什么意思?



Identify information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, state opinions, compare views and present information in different formats to inform or interest others


Convey information, ideas and opinions on texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context, purpose and audience



Respond to traditional and/or contemporary imaginative texts by summarising, expressing opinions, or modifying aspects, such as characters, events and/or ideas


Create own imaginative texts in different modes and formats, using imaginary characters, to inform or entertain, or to convey experiences or express ideas


L, C, P, IU


Translate and interpret texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, identifying how cultural concepts are embedded in language and explaining differences in meaning




Engage with Chinese speakers and texts, reflecting on how interaction involves culture as well as language and being aware of audience and context


Reflect on the experience of learning and using Chinese and how it might add further dimension to own identity



Systems of language

Recognise and apply differences in sounds and tones heard in spoken language, including the range of vowel and consonant combinations, for example, qin versus qing and chi versus qi


Interpret written texts by estimating the probable sound and meaning of characters, based on understanding of familiar radicals and phonetic sides, for example, 鸡, 鸭, 鹅, 莺, 但, 担, 旦,  胆


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including:

  • comparing ways in which tense is expressed, for example, 了 to indicate completion; 完 to indicate the achievement of a desired result; 想 to indicate intention; the use of verb negation 没有 to indicate negative past; 正在 to indicate action in progress
  • exploring the uses of diverse time expressions and ways to sequence events in time, for example, 先…… 然后……; 一…………; 了…………; 才; 第一; 然后
  • comparing the functions of prepositions and discussing the importance of context when determining their meanings in texts, for example, 跟; 对; 给
  • applying processes of discourse development by joining, contrasting and sequencing 但是, 就, and exploring the use of cohesive devices and ways of extending, sequencing and elaborating ideas, for example, through the use of connectives, conjunctions and subject pronouns
  • recognising and using the measure words 件 and 条
  • using the number 千
  • using 过 to express experience
  • beginning to use 要 to express the future
  • using the question word 多少? to ask the price of something, for example, 多少钱?
  • beginning to use the question phrase 怎么样?to ask an opinion
  • using words for approximation, 多, 左右, 不
  • experimenting with intensifiers, such as 挺 and 太, to add meaning, for example, 去日本旅行太贵了; 我觉得挺好的

Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts


Language variation and change

Analyse how Chinese is used in varying ways to achieve different purposes


Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of influences, such as contact with other languages, globalisation and new technologies and knowledge


Role of language and culture

Explore the ways in which language and culture are used to establish relationships, indicate social values and enhance intercultural exchange


Achievement standard

At standard, students use mostly familiar language when participating in spoken and written interactions in Chinese to describe and discuss events of significance in the lives of young people, and to reflect on learning experiences. They identify and present information and ideas, opinions and views in Chinese texts to inform or interest others and convey these considering audience, purpose and context. They attempt to modify aspects of Chinese imaginative texts and adapt familiar language to create own imaginative texts that convey experiences and ideas, to inform or entertain. When translating and interpreting texts, students identify how culture is embedded in language and they describe differences in meaning. They identify aspects of language, culture, personal identity and experiences of learning Chinese, and how these may help when engaging with Chinese speakers and texts.

Students reproduce some features of the Chinese sound system and apply understanding of familiar radicals and phonetic sides to estimate the probable sound and meaning of characters in written texts. When speaking or writing texts in Chinese, they use familiar vocabulary related to events of significance in the lives of young people, and use elements of grammar, character writing and punctuation, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. Students use some metalanguage to describe grammatical forms and functions. They describe the relationship between text structures and language features in texts. Students identify varying ways Chinese language and culture are used to establish relationships and in intercultural exchange.

Year 10 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 10 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required of students to communicate in Chinese developed in Year 9 and focuses on extending their oral and written communication skills and their understandings of the Chinese language and culture. Students have a growing awareness of the wider world, including the diversity of languages, cultures and forms of intercultural communication. They are considering future pathways and prospects, including how Chinese may feature in these.

Students communicate in Chinese, initiating and participating in sustained interactions with others to exchange ideas, opinions, experiences and thoughts about making choices for today, and in the future. They engage in individual and collaborative tasks that involve debating with peers to exchange views and justify opinions, organising a forum or presenting a speech. Students identify information and ideas from texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and establish how culture and context influence the presentation of ideas. They convey information, ideas and experiences, and compare diverse perspectives on texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context, purpose and audience. Students respond to traditional and/or contemporary imaginative texts by discussing ideas, and considering how these relate to contemporary society and their culture. They create imaginative texts in different modes and formats to entertain, or express ideas, attitudes and/or perspectives.

Students understand the systems of the Chinese language when encountered in spoken and written texts. They increase control of regular and irregular elements of the Chinese sound system, examining differences in sounds and tones heard in spoken language. They relate prior knowledge of character form and function to infer information about sound and meaning and meaning of unfamiliar characters. Students generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts by continuing to extend their understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including indicating preferences using adjectives, talking about the future by using 打 算, and using different ways to negate. Students continue to build a metalanguage in Chinese to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts. They engage with Chinese speakers and texts, recognising how their own cultural assumptions, practices and beliefs influence language and content, and choosing whether and how to make adjustments.

In Year 10, students are expanding the range and nature of their learning experiences, and the contexts in which they communicate with others, and are challenged to engage with some independent learning experiences. While they are becoming increasingly autonomous when using Chinese in familiar contexts, they require continued scaffolding, modelling and monitoring when using the language in less familiar contexts.



Initiate and participate in sustained interactions with others orally and in writing to exchange ideas, opinions, experiences and thoughts about making choices for today and in the future, includinghealth and physical activity, having a part-time job, learning a language and my future, for example, 我这个星期不能去上班因为我要复习;  我妈妈不让我参加聚会; 我打算上大学;  你学汉语多久了?; 你多久打一次网球?
我一星期打三次网球; 你喜欢数学课吗?
为什么?我不喜欢, 因为很难; 明年我要学数学和科学, 因为我想当医生; 我不常喝可乐,因为不健康; 为什么学中文很重要?;
我不太同意你的说法,因为……; 你觉得呢?; 虽然你说得对,但是……; 所以我觉得……


Engage in individual and collaborative tasks, such as planning or debating with peers to initiate a school campaign to promote awareness of a wellbeing issue for teenagers, or organising a real or simulated forum to raise awareness of the use of social media at school, or presenting a speech on their language learning experiences


Use classroom language to question, elicit and offer opinions, compare ideas and participate in reflective activities and evaluations, for example,  我不太同意你的说法,因为……; 你觉得呢?; 虽然你说得对; 但是……; 所以我觉得……



Identify information and ideas from a range of texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, and establish how culture and context influence the presentation of ideas


Convey information, ideas and experiences, and compare diverse perspectives on texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, using different modes of presentation that take account of context, purpose and audience



Respond to traditional and/or contemporary imaginative texts by discussing ideas and considering how these relate to contemporary society and own culture


Create own imaginative texts in different modes and formats, using imaginary characters, places and/or experiences, to entertain, or express ideas, attitudes and/or perspectives



Translate and interpret texts from Chinese to English and vice versa, identifying how cultural concepts are embedded in language and explaining differences in meaning




Engage with Chinese speakers and texts, recognising how own cultural assumptions, practices and beliefs influence language and content, and choosing whether and how to make adjustments


Reflect on the experience of learning and using Chinese and how it might add further dimension to own identity



Systems of language

Examine differences in sounds and tones heard in spoken language, such as the diverse meanings of words that share similar sounds, for example, the many meanings of the sound shi and how to differentiate between 同音词 (homonyms) and 近音词 (words with similar pronunciation) in different contexts, for example, 同意 and 统一


Relate prior knowledge of character form and function to infer information about sound and meaning of unfamiliar characters


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by continuing to extend understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the Chinese grammatical system, including:

  • using different ways to negate depending on degree of formality or emphasis, for example,  (我不是……; 我哪儿有……?;  我没有办法……; 我不能……;  不行; 别; 不准)
  • experimenting with 因为 to justify opinions
  • building logical arguments by expressing additional information and providing reasons, for example, using 不但……; 而且……;  除了……以外; 另外……
  • introducing contrasting views to others using elements, such as cohesive devices, for example,  不是……而是……; 不过……; 虽然……;  但是……
  • experimenting with the use of 成语, such as  数一数二; 一心一意; 三心二意; 一头雾水; 乱七八糟, to substantiate and emphasise ideas
  • exploring and applying conjunctions to sequence and connect ideas when constructing texts, for example, 不但……, 而且……;  虽然……, 但是……
  • experimenting with 的 as a subject modifier to express ideas that would contain relative clauses in English, for example, 我昨天买的书不太贵
  • expressing permission or ability to do something using 能
  • using 不让 to express inability to do something
  • talking about the future by using 打算
  • using the question word 为什么?to ask for a reason
  • using 多久 to ask for how long something has been done, for example, 你学习汉语多久了?
  • describing how often an activity is done within a time frame using 次, for example, 我一星期打三次网球
  • providing details by using frequency expressions, such as 常常, 有时, 不常, 每天, 从不
  • experimenting with expression, relating to duration, to add detail/specificity, for example,  我每个星期打三个小时的网球
  • indicating preferences using adjectives, such as 难, 容易, 简单, 有意思, 没有意思, 无聊, 有趣

Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts


Language variation and change

Analyse how Chinese is used in varying ways to achieve different purposes, and changes over time and place


Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of influences, such as contact with other languages, globalisation and new technologies and knowledge


Role of language and culture

Explore the nature of the relationship between language, culture and communication and how it impacts on attitudes and beliefs


Achievement standard

To be developed in 2021 using (assessment) work sample evidence to ‘set’ standards through paired comparisons

prefixframingnarrativediasporaauthentic (texts/materials)cognatesstereotypeformulaic languagelearning trajectorycommunicationpragmaticscontentencodelanguage featurestalkdigital mediaparalanguagephonicsoracypurposeful learningunderstandingspeakinformingaccenthonorificaudienceidentitydialecttasktext structureintercultural capabilitysyntaxlanguage patternscomplex sentencesecond languageskimmingaccent markscharacter componentslanguage variation and changequestionreadform-focused learning activitiesmedia textsconjunctionclauselanguagefirst languageorthographydigital textsenunciationinterpretperformancelanguage functionsreceptive languagealliterationcomprehension strategiessemantic knowledgemetalanguagediphthongscompound sentenceintonationtextual features/textual conventionsscanningpersuasive textscollocationbiographyaccuracyroot of a wordlanguage systems/systems of languagetext types (genres)background languagestressreciprocatingauxiliary verbauthorintensifiersmorphememacro skillsgrapho-phonic knowledgecuesscriptadverbialphonemecomposingregistercommunicative competencetranslationgenrecreatecommunicatingtonephonological awarenessintercultural language teaching and learningfillerrole of language and cultureverbsuffixliteracy resourcesmnemonicpedagogyimaginative textstranslatingcohesioncomprehension/comprehendingcomplexitylanguage specificitycharactersde-centreculturereflectingdirectionalityinformative textsmodeadverbhomophonecode-switchingcontextidiomatic expressionsmorphologylexical cohesiontext processing strategiesinfinitiveproductive language useromanisationdigraphcreatingnounfluencyconventiontextscaffoldingbilingualismadjectivepronunciationsocialisingconcrete languagelanguage comprehensionsynchronouspredictionnarrative devicesprepositionmultimodal textfacepronounword borrowingdecodemediateinputmediummodal verb
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