Interact orally with the teacher and peers, using learnt sounds, formulaic phrases and verbal and non-verbal responses to talk about themselves, the members of their family, their favourite things and their pets, for example, 你家有几个/口人?;
Express gratitude and apologies, for example,
Interact with simple written texts, recognising and copying high-frequency characters relating to members of their family, their favourite things and their pets, for example,
Locate key words and information in simple texts such as video clips, games and songs and convey information in simple scaffolded models of spoken and visual texts related to their personal worlds
Locate factual information about their personal worlds in written texts and convey information using pictures, labels, captions, familiar words, characters and modelled language
Engage orally with simple Chinese songs, poems and rhymes, reproducing rhythm and sound patterns and respond by creating their own simple Chinese songs, poems and rhymes to convey ideas related to their personal worlds
Participate in the shared reading and retelling of imaginative short written texts for well-known Chinese stories such as Tadpoles Looking For Their Mama《小蝌蚪找妈妈》, or Pony Crossed the River 《小马过河》 and respond to the texts by captioning or labelling images and copying characters
Match characters to the meanings and sounds of familiar words, noticing that meanings are similar or different in English or other known languages
Notice ways of talking in Chinese that appear different to their own ways and aspects of Chinese culture that are different when speaking in Chinese such as behaviour, voice or body language