Year 2 SyllabusTest


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Year 2 Syllabus

Year Level Description

Year 2 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Chinese language developed in Year 1 and focuses on extending the oral communication skills of students.

Students communicate in Chinese, interacting orally with their teacher and peers to exchange information about themselves, the members of their family, their classmates and friends. They participate in guided group activities, including sorting familiar and common Chinese characters according to their formation. Students identify and convey key points of information to complete guided tasks in a range of simple spoken and visual texts related to their personal worlds. They locate factual information about their personal worlds in written texts and convey information using modelled language. Students respond in oral form to simple Chinese stories, songs and rhyme, reproducing rhythm and sound patterns to express feelings. They create short imaginative written texts, captioning or labelling images with familiar words and simple modelled sentences.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, reproducing the tones of Chinese with increasing accuracy. They identify some characters that make up words and understand that each character has a meaning. Students notice and use context-related vocabulary and begin to use some first elements of grammar such as using the third person to introduce others, to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.

Students recognise that all languages, including Chinese, continuously change over time through contact with each other and through changes in society. They understand similarities and differences between aspects of Chinese and Australian cultural practices and related language use.

In Year 2 students learn Chinese in the early years through rich language input. At this stage, play and imaginative activities, music, movement and familiar routines, opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, provide the essential scaffolding to assist students in the language learning process.



Interact orally with the teacher and peers, using simple modelled language and gestures to exchange information about themselves, the members of their family, their classmates and friends, for example, 我有弟弟,你呢?;我爱我的妈妈;她叫Anna;我的朋友叫Simon;她七岁;他喜欢黑色和绿色;

Follow simple instructions including, 排队;请坐; 合上书; 不要说话

Interact with simple written texts, including labelling images, copying characters from a provided list and sorting familiar and common Chinese characters according to their formation


Identify and convey key points of information using learnt key words and phrases to complete guided tasks in a range of simple spoken and visual texts, related to their personal worlds

Locate factual information about their personal worlds in texts and convey information using modelled language, visual and contextual cues


Participate in and respond to imaginative texts, acting out events, identifying and comparing favourite elements and making simple statements orally about characters or themes

Create short written imaginative texts using simple characters from charts and word lists, labels, captions and short sentences to describe characters or key events in planning a story


Identify equivalent or similar Chinese words, expressions or phrases for familiar objects or terms in English, to develop vocabulary


Notice aspects of Chinese language and culture that are ‘new’ or ‘interesting’

Observe how relationships influence language use and their own identity


Systems of language

Understand that Pinyin has tones and reproduce the tones with increasing accuracy

Explain the use of Pinyin as a learning tool to reflect the sound of Chinese spoken language

Identify characters that make up words such as 老/鼠 (lǎo/shŭ)

Understand that words such as 熊猫 (xióng māo) have two characters, with each character having a meaning and that sometimes there may be one, two or more characters to form one word

Notice and use context-related vocabulary and begin to use some first elements of grammar to generate simple spoken and written texts for a range of purposes, including:

  • that Chinese sentences have a particular word order, for example, 我爱妈妈 is about ‘I’ and 妈妈爱我 is about ‘Mum’
  • using the third person to introduce others
  • describing people using adjectives, for example, body parts 头、头发、眼睛、眉毛、鼻子、耳朵、身体、嘴巴、腿, adjectives 大、小、长、短、胖、瘦 and colours 黑色、棕色
  • recognising and using sentences to describe, for example, 我的眉毛很长;他的头发很短;

Understand that language is organised as ‘text’ that takes different forms and uses different structures and features to achieve its purpose

Language variation and change

Understand that Chinese speakers use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms such as when at home with the family or in the classroom

Role of language and culture

Recognise that all languages, including Chinese continuously change through contact with each other and through changes in society

Achievement standard

At standard, students interact in Chinese with their teacher and each other through routine exchanges, guided group activities, instructions and transactions, to provide information about themselves, the members of their family, their classmates and friends. They use simple modelled language and gestures, such as 我有弟弟,你呢? and 我的朋友叫Simon. Students recognise most familiar words and some key phrases in simple spoken or visual texts related to their personal worlds, identifying some key points of information to mostly complete guided tasks. They locate some keywords and factual information in written texts related to their personal worlds and convey information using, with some guidance, modelled language. They respond to imaginative texts using simple verbal and non-verbal forms of expression, with some guidance, to comment on some favourite elements, characters or themes and create simple written imaginative texts using familiar characters and modelled language, with some guidance. Students identify some Chinese words, expressions or phrases for familiar objects or English words and begin to increase their vocabulary. They identify some elements of Chinese language and culture that are ‘new’ or ‘interesting,’ and some ways in which relationships can influence language use.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, reproducing the tones of Pinyin and identifying high-frequency characters within words, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They recognise and use vocabulary and use some first elements of grammar in simple spoken and written texts, with a satisfactory level of accuracy. They recognise that Chinese sentences have a particular word order, such as 我爱妈妈 is about ‘I’ and 妈妈爱我 is about ‘Mum.’ They use the third person to introduce others and describe people using adjectives, such as 头、头发、眼睛、, 大、小、长 and 黑色、棕色.They identify some different forms of texts and some of the different structures and features of familiar texts. Students identify some of the ways that speakers of Chinese use language differently in different situations and according to cultural norms, and some of the ways that the Chinese language has changed over time through its contact with other languages and changes in society.

Year Level Description

Year 2 Chinese: Second Language builds on the skills, knowledge and understanding required to communicate in the Chinese language developed in Year 1 and focuses on extending the oral communication skills of students.

Students communicate in Chinese, interacting orally with their teacher and peers to exchange information about themselves, the members of their family, their classmates and friends. They participate in guided group activities, including sorting familiar and common Chinese characters according to their formation. Students identify and convey key points of information to complete guided tasks in a range of simple spoken and visual texts related to their personal worlds. They locate factual information about their personal worlds in written texts and convey information using modelled language. Students respond in oral form to simple Chinese stories, songs and rhyme, reproducing rhythm and sound patterns to express feelings. They create short imaginative written texts, captioning or labelling images with familiar words and simple modelled sentences.

Students become familiar with the systems of the Chinese language, reproducing the tones of Chinese with increasing accuracy. They identify some characters that make up words and understand that each character has a meaning. Students notice and use context-related vocabulary and begin to use some first elements of grammar such as using the third person to introduce others, to generate language for a range of purposeful interactions.

Students recognise that all languages, including Chinese, continuously change over time through contact with each other and through changes in society. They understand similarities and differences between aspects of Chinese and Australian cultural practices and related language use.

In Year 2 students learn Chinese in the early years through rich language input. At this stage, play and imaginative activities, music, movement and familiar routines, opportunities to revisit, recycle and review, and continuous feedback, provide the essential scaffolding to assist students in the language learning process.

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