Participate in oral interactions with the teacher and peers, experimenting with simple modelled descriptive and expressive language to exchange information about their home and places in their local community, for example, 我的房间很大;
Seek permission from the teacher or peers to participate in activities or to be excused, for example, 我可以去厕所吗?;我可以去喝水吗?
Collaborate with peers in guided written tasks to present personal information and relate experiences about their home and places in their local community, through photo-stories, emails and text messages for new classmates or for a class blog, for example,
Gather and compare information and supporting details from a range of spoken and visual texts related to their personal and social worlds
Locate and convey key points in written informative texts related to their personal and social worlds, summarising the points to report to known audiences using learnt words, phrases and characters
Share responses to characters in short imaginative texts such as popular songs, stories, television programs or music videos and create simple spoken imaginative texts
Create written imaginative texts, sequencing events, using scaffolded models of texts, learnt characters or word lists for support
Translate from Chinese to English and vice versa, simple texts used for everyday purposes, noticing which words and phrases do not readily translate and require interpretation or explanation
Use visual, print or online dictionaries, word lists and pictures to translate short familiar texts
Compare ways of communicating in Australian and Chinese-speaking contexts and identify ways in which culture influences language use