Systems of language
Examine differences in sounds and tones heard in oral discourse, including the range of vowel and consonant combinations, for example, ‘qin’ versus ‘qing’ and ‘chi’ versus ‘ci’
Interpret texts by estimating the probable sound and meaning of characters based on understanding of familiar radicals and phonetic sides when reading unfamiliar texts, for example, 鸡、鸭、 鹅、 莺、但、担、旦、胆
Use metalanguage to describe the distinctive spoken and written language system of Chinese
Extend knowledge of context-related vocabulary and identify features of grammar to organise and sequence ideas in simple spoken and written texts, including:
- how clauses of a sentence are linked coherently, joining, contrasting and sequencing ideas and information
- using alternative language to clarify intended meaning, for example, saying 我不胖不瘦 when they don’t know the phrase 中等身材
- comparing ways in which tense is expressed in Chinese and applying, for example, 了 to indicate completion; 完 to indicate the achievement of a desired result; 想 to indicate intention; verb negation 没有 to indicate incomplete past and 正在 to indicate action in progress
- using different ways to negate ideas depending on degree of formality or emphasis, for example,
我不是…;我不能…;不行;…别 (ACLCHU044) (ACLCHU060)
Identify the structures and key features of familiar texts in Chinese such as language choice, focus of information and paragraphing, to explain the relationship between the language and structure used and the purpose of the text