Initiate and participate in spoken interactions, using informative and descriptive language to share and compare personal opinions about aspects of childhood, teenage life and relationships, for example, 中国学生的作业比澳大利亚学生的多;
Engage in extended written interaction and activities about events or experiences such as aspects of childhood, teenage life and relationships, referring to information stated, or requesting or providing further details
Analyse ideas and information from a range of spoken texts related to aspects of their personal and social worlds, identifying the different ways in which emotions, intentions and ideas are expressed
Collate and present in written form different perspectives related to aspects of their personal and social worlds and identify context, purpose and intended audience
Engage with imaginative performance-based texts such as popular television programs, Chinese songs and plays, sharing opinions on characters and plot, comparing themes and content with English language texts created for similar audiences and utilise this to create and perform their own texts
Create written imaginative texts that express aspects of Chinese culture for different audiences
Translate and/or interpret a range of texts and discuss how to convey concepts that do not translate easily across different linguistic and cultural contexts
Monitor language choices when using Chinese, considering their own and others’ responses and reactions in intercultural communication, questioning assumptions and values and taking responsibility for modifying language and behaviours in relation to different cultural perspectives
Investigate and share their own family and cultural traditions and experiences, considering how these have shaped and continue to shape personal and cultural identity