Systems of language

Increase control of regular and irregular elements of the French sound system, building fluency and accuracy in pronunciation of more complex syllable combinations, pitch, stress and rhythm


Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by continuing to extend understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the French grammatical system, including:

  • using simple and compound sentences to structure arguments, and explain or justify a position in relation to personal and social issues, such as les études, le sport et la nourriture, l’environnement, l’avenir, les passe-temps
  • using connectives, for example, parce que, à cause de, puisque and en plus
  • using le présent, l’impératif, le futur proche, le passé composé and l’imparfait
  • understanding and using infinitive verb forms and phrasal verbs, such as avoir besoin de faire quelque chose; commencer à faire …
  • understanding and using le futur in simple constructions, for example, L’année prochaine, j’étudierai le français.
  • recognising le conditionnel, for example, J’aimerais voyager après mes études.
  • using relative pronouns qui, que, où, dont and lequel
  • using direct object pronouns me, te, le, la, nous, vous, les
  • using indirect object pronouns, for example, me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur
  • recognising that in le passé composé past participles agree with the preceding direct object when the verb is conjugated with the auxiliary verb avoir, for example, Les adolescentes que vous avez rencontrées sont des volontaires.
  • extending knowledge of additional negative forms, such as ne … plus, ne … rien, ne … jamais, ne … que, ne … personne
  • exploring how choices of words, such as nouns and adjectives can indicate values and attitudes, for example, C’est un bon à rien.; C’est un brave jeune homme.
  • understanding the function of impersonal expressions, for example, il faut, il est impossible de, il s’agit de

Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts


Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts