Use features of the French sound system, including pronunciation, pitch, rhythm, stress and intonation to express a variety of feelings, such as C’est nul !; Ça suffit !; Quoi encore ?; Oh là là !; Aïe !, and increasing control of liaison in unfamiliar contexts, including no liaison with et, and common fillers, interjections and responses, such as Hein ?; Bon ben ...; N’est-ce pas ?; Youpi !; Ça alors !


Use features of the French sound system, including pronunciation, pitch, rhythm, stress and intonation to express a variety of feelings, such as C’est nul !; Ça suffit !; Quoi encore ?; Oh là là !; Aïe !, and increasing control of liaison in unfamiliar contexts, including no liaison with et, and common fillers, interjections and responses, such as Hein ?; Bon ben ...; N’est-ce pas ?; Youpi !; Ça alors !