Systems of language
Increase control of regular and irregular elements of the French sound system, including using liaison in unfamiliar contexts, building fluency and accuracy in pronunciation of more complex syllable combinations, pitch, stress and rhythm
Generate language for a range of purposes in spoken and written texts, by extending understanding and use of context-related vocabulary and elements of the French grammatical system, including:
- using le passé composé to recount events that occurred in the past with avoir, for example, Elle a fait du shopping.
- recognising verbs conjugated with être as the auxiliary in le passé composé have agreement between subject and past participle, for example, Madeleine est allée en France pour rendre visite à sa famille française.
- understanding the forms and functions of reflexive verbs, and the use of être and agreements in le passé composé, for example, Je me suis levée à sept heures pendant les vacances.; Elle s’est entraȋnée …
- becoming familiar with l’imparfait when encountered in familiar expressions and scaffolded language contexts, for example, C’était …; J'ai joué au foot avec mes amis hier après-midi. C’était amusant.
- understanding the differences in use between le passé composé and l’imparfait, for example, Il faisait beau.; Je suis allé au Louvre.
- using the infinitive as the second verb, for example, Tu veux venir au cinéma ce soir ?
- understanding the function of verb tenses to situate events in time, for example, Ils vont partir demain matin.; Je suis allé en France quand j’avais six ans.
- understanding the function of verb tenses to express intention or desire, for example, Je voudrais bien aller à Tunis l’année prochaine !
- using relative pronouns qui, que
- using emphatic pronouns moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux
- beginning to use direct object pronouns in conjunction with le présent, for example, Je t’écoute.; Elle les mange tous les jours !
- using élision with direct object pronouns and verbs beginning with a vowel or h muet, for example, Il l’ignore.
- using negatives with le passé composé, for example, Nous n’avons pas encore fini l’histoire.
- understanding additional negative forms, such as ne … plus, ne … rien, ne … jamais
- using comparative and superlative forms of adverbs and adjectives, for example, vite, plus vite, le plus vite; jolie, moins jolie, la moins jolie
Continue to build metalanguage to talk about vocabulary and grammar concepts
Apply understanding of the interrelationship between text structures and language features to different types of texts, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts
Language variation and change
Analyse how French is used in varying ways to achieve different purposes
Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of influences, such as contact with other languages, globalisation and new technologies and knowledge
Role of language and culture
Explore the ways in which language and culture are used to establish relationships, indicate social values and enhance intercultural exchange