Interact with the teacher and peers through
action-related talk and structured play, to exchange greetings such as Bonjour Madame; Bonjour la classe; Ça va, Emilie ? Ça va bien, merci
Introduce and share information about themselves, for example, Comment t’appelles-tu ? Je m’appelle…; Tu as quel âge ? J’ai cinq ans/Cinq ans; Tu aimes … ? Oui/non
Interact with the teacher and peers through
action-related talk and structured play, to exchange greetings such as Bonjour Madame; Bonjour la classe; Ça va, Emilie ? Ça va bien, merci
Introduce and share information about themselves, for example, Comment t’appelles-tu ? Je m’appelle…; Tu as quel âge ? J’ai cinq ans/Cinq ans; Tu aimes … ? Oui/non