
Systems of language

Increase control of regular and irregular elements of spoken and written French, using non-verbal elements, liaisons, accents and expression to engage interest

Increase control of context-related vocabulary and analyse how grammatical elements impact on the making of meaning in texts, including:

  • noticing how grammatical choices can shade meaning, determine perspective and establish relationship, for example, an imperative verb mood can indicate authority or enthusiasm such as Arrêtez !; Allons-y !; Donnez-moi votre billet, Mademoiselle; shifting from the use of vous to tu can signal a more informal, friendly relationship
  • exploring how choices of words such as nouns and adjectives can indicate values and attitudes, for example, C’est un bon à rien/C’est un brave jeune homme; Ce sont des illégaux/Ce sont des réfugiés
  • using le présent, l’impératif, le futur proche, le passé composé and l’imparfait
  • understanding and using in simple constructions le futur and le conditionnel
  • understanding that past participles agree with the preceding direct object when the verb is conjugated with the auxiliary verb avoir, for example, J’ai acheté une tartelette aux
    fraises — je l’ai mangée trop vite !
  • understanding and using infinitive verb forms and phrasal verbs such as avoir besoin de faire quelque chose; commencer à faire…
  • using relative, emphatic and direct/indirect object pronouns, for example, qui, que, elle, eux, lui, leur, le, la, les

Further develop a metalanguage to discuss and explain grammatical forms and functions

Analyse how different types of text incorporate cultural and contextual elements

Language variation and change

Analyse and explain how and why language is used differently in a range of texts, considering features such as dialects and register

Explain how French language and culture have evolved and how they continue to change over time and understand that language use has the power to influence social and cultural relationships and practices

Role of language and culture

Understand that French language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other in a given moment and over time